The Voynich Ninja

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I don't understand; what's nimtzas?
Yeah, right: au, o, too = auch

I had the same discusion 3 years ago with Helmut at Bax
Years ago I had a discourse with JKP. g or not g (tz). (ez).

The third word on 17 = suetz = sweet
Today one would write in the right German like this.
nimtzas = take it ( nimmt's, nimmt's es) (nehmen, will it take ) come from take
Jeder wo deutsch kann.
Ich kann es.....Ich kann's
The third word on 17r has a very clear macron, which is an abbreviation symbol. It means that letters are missing.

The letter that looks like "z" is also a common abbreviation (it is often written exactly like z but it is actually rotated-m and very frequently stands for "em" or "m").

I don't know what the first letter is, it could be b, k, or l (it is not written like s), but the rest is mostly likely -ucrem -ucorem -ucem or something along those lines. What it stands for depends on context, which is hard to determine when the first letter is ambiguous.
But if you look at page 66, and "( und den muss des ) that's what you have to do".
you'll see how he writes an "s in des." it looks like an l, but it's not
Actually the sentences in dialect are correct, but he has a terrible handwriting.

The first word in relation to the plant below.
I don't know what the overwritten part of the letter is on f66v , it's a bit of a mess, but underneath the messy overwriting, it says "mel" which can be meal (flour) or honey (alternate spelling).

The pot has something yellowish in it (as does her belly) which could be either meal (which was used as a poultice) or honey (which was often mixed with other things to make a salve).

I do not think that last letter is ess. Straight-ess was not written with a hook that swings back toward the stem and by the time this style of writing was popular, most scribes used long-ess instead of straight-ess (with a longer descender).
for powder, would certainly be possible.
I don't know who it was anymore, but I think it was Diane, but I went after it once.
According to the picture it is the sleeping sponge. Anesthetic for operations in the Middle Ages.
Opium, Bingelkraut and Mandrake root dissolved in wine. The inhaled vapours paralyse the nervous system. Problem, too high a dose causes respiratory arrest and suffocation.
Applied as a plaster, it numbs the nerve endings through the skin and the wound is painless. ( Wound healing )
( "des" is the dialect form of "das" )
Hence we have:

"so nim gas mich o" = so take me quickly as well


"so nim gasmi(l)ch o" = so take goat milk as well