Hello and welcome to the Voynich medievalia discussion forum.
This forum has been created for the debate of the medieval manuscript known as Beinecke MS 408, aka "the Voynich manuscript" after its 20th century discoverer Wilfrid Voynich. Currently this manuscript still remains a mystery, not having any commonly acknowledged interpretation.
We are a group of like minded individuals who pursue our common interest of medieval life, society and documents via the common thread. All are welcome to join this free forum and participate in the discussions.
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The main topic of this site is to discuss the Voynich manuscript, along with related topics on medievalia. All are welcome.

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
News (98 users browsing)
This subforum is dedicated to announcement of VMS research news and VMS-related events. You are welcome to announce your recent publications such as articles or blog posts, new books or movies, as well as forthcoming events such as conferences or panel sessions.
242 4,768 New book
7 minutes ago
by ReneZ
Curated threads
A pre-moderated forum for the posting of essential Voynich information threads. Please contact a forum moderator if you have a post suggestion. Threads in this forum are curated.
Moderated By: tavie, VViews
6 28 Solutions
06-08-2024, 01:07 PM
by tavie
Astrology (1 user browsing)
30 418 Missing Constellations in...
16-09-2024, 04:34 AM
by Aga Tentakulus
Astronomy (1 user browsing)
29 505 Matching planet labels
09-06-2024, 11:17 AM
by GreyCat
Analysis of the text (17 users browsing)
All discussions regarding the analysis of the text should go here
511 13,848 Ink/pen dynamics and the ...
41 minutes ago
by Aga Tentakulus
Marginalia (1 user browsing)
All discussion of the Marginalia should go here
52 2,453 f116v squiggle from the m...
29-09-2024, 09:48 PM
by cowcrap
Physical material (2 users browsing)
All discussion of the physical material - inks, parchment, binding, etc - should go here
39 676 Folio 78r Quire 13 bindin...
11-06-2024, 12:21 PM
by Scarecrow
Imagery (131 users browsing)
All discussion of the imagery - the nymphs and the herbs - should go here
484 10,493 Hardest plants to identif...
4 hours ago
by Dana Scott
Provenance & history (4 users browsing)
All discussion upon the provenance and the history of the manuscript should go here
74 1,274 Authorship of f116v squig...
25-09-2024, 06:22 PM
by MarcoP
Voynich Talk (9 users browsing)
Any discussion of the manuscript which does not fit into the other categories should go here
352 7,980 [split] Cvetka's theory t...
01-10-2024, 08:26 AM
by ReneZ

Library and Research
Forums for archiving useful links, library publications and research information
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
A library of online documents relating to the subject matter of this forum
Sub Forums:
Non-Voynich medievalia resources
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Codicology and Paleography (3 users browsing)
A discussion zone for all aspects of medieval Codicology and Paleography
53 906 alchemical herbals
13-06-2024, 03:45 AM
by Aga Tentakulus
Pre-Modern Cryptography
An area to discuss manuscript cryptography and encoding from the pre-information age. Shorthand, artificial languages, codes, ciphers, steganography etc discussions are all permitted.
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Non Voynich medievalia
A forum to discuss all aspects of medievalia which are not directly linked to Voynich research
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Water Cooler
A place to kick back and informally discuss topics of all natures
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Fiction, Comics, Films & Videos, Games & other Media (2 users browsing)
40 213 Kingdom Come: Deliverance...
30-08-2024, 01:55 PM
by joben

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