R. Sale > 17-09-2016, 11:29 PM
So how can we interpret the validity of things that are found in the VMs? The validation is found in the text.
For example the triple convergence of interpretation applied to the fifth symbol in the 4 x 17 symbol sequence of VMs f 57v. In EVA transcription, they are o, l, d, r and v. And so the fifth symbol is 'v'. Not that the fifth symbol really is a 'v', if you actually look at it.
A person familiar with Greek letters might identify it as an upper case version of lambda. A person working with medieval mathematics might see the number seven. And supplementary both of those, there is an inverted version of the letter 'V'.
Is this coincidence? Three different interpretations for one simple symbol. Is there a way to establish validity of interpretation?
I believe there is something that goes a long way in that direction. And that is the use of positional confirmation.
Here are the examples:
1. 'Lambda' interpretation: Within the Greek alphabet, if symbol 5 might be lambda, symbol 1 might be omicron. The reading is right to left, which was permitted in Greek. And the spacing, with three symbols in between, is the same placement as in the Greek alphabet.
Note that position is a measurement not a subjective assessment of perceived similarity. It is a mathematical equality and therefore an objective fact. This is a positional confirmation.
So perhaps the lambda interpretation is correct. But look again.
2. 'Seven' interpretation: Within the realm of medieval mathematics, as evidenced on the skirts of Typus Arithmetica are the first few powers of '2' and '3'. Not only does the form of the number seven match with the form of symbol 5 of the VMs sequence, the number four is a match with symbol 2 of the sequence. There are two intervening spaces between symbol 2 and symbol 5. Just as there are two intervening spaces between numbers '4' and '7'. This is the same sort or positional confirmation as the first example.
3. 'Roman' interpretation: The Roman numeral five is "V". And VMs symbol 5 is a 'V' inverted. If this were a random sequence of symbols, the symbol could have been placed anywhere. Given that the interpretation and the placement are same, this is also a positional confirmation of interpretation.
In my book, this sort of triple convergence thing cannot pass as a coincidence or random concatenation of circumstance. And in an artifact of human manufacture, the only alternative is intentional creation.
This triple convergence shows how the choice of symbol position can be used to confirm subjective visual interpretations by means of measurable distance and relative location. The method of using positional confirmations has been used again on VMs You are not allowed to view links.
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