(13-11-2020, 12:51 PM)pedestrian Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.[quote="Aga Tentakulus" pid='42091'
looks like it's trying to be an Ibex from the coat of arms of the League of God's House, a Wilder Mann who looks like he came from the League of the Ten Jurisdictions' one, and possibly the cross of the Grey League. But where does the twin-tailed mermaid come into it? A family device?
I think it means those who put it there believed themselves to be descended from royalty, or perhaps from whence royalty also descends. You mention coats of arms, Melusine was included in heraldry also, in various guises. The Etruscans also had their Melusine as well, a mother goddess, a protector, a connector of worlds.
In fact, the more i think about it, the more it fits my understanding of the manuscript, it would be an equalizing idea, stating that everyone has descended from water fairies, royalty or not. A very humanistic idea. This also fits with regard to the fish nymph, it could simultaneously be seen to depict Anaximander's fish mouth human origin story, which i see as having been located in the Red Sea, which bridges Africa and Asia, the Mixoparthenos origin of Scythians near the Black Sea, being the join between northwestern Asia and eastern Europe, and the Melusine story, bridging western Europe and neareast Asia, and now, the other side of the world (in the Starbucks logo and all that has gone on since the time of the manuscript). They all discuss mythological origins and the idea of following genealogic lineage and geography to get to the present time and place.
The juxtaposition of the Melusine myth adds the water nymph idea into Anaximander's story, which pulls in his teacher Thales' idea that everything comes from the element of water. This does seem to be a point made by quire 13, at least insofar that water connects everyone everywhere to each other, in loops, no less. Anaximander did not believe in this primordial water idea, however, he was a proponent of the ether or some other intangible element being one from which all others arise. Today we know that everything on our planet was begotten essentially from stardust, so that idea was not wrong, just obscured by a lack of technology and the understanding that it brings along with it, (ie physics, chemistry, biology), hence the mythology to fill in the gaps in knowledge. This may also be why works by Homer, Ovid, Virgil, and others also seem to be evoked. Scylla, Pyrrha...and the connections and travels from Egyptian myths to Greek myths to Roman myths...a history of the early world.
So, if that fish mouth water nymph is in fact portraying these ideas, then the idea that all the nymphs in the manuscript stand for populations of people over time would fit in with this idea, and it becomes evident that it is proto-history that is being portrayed. This explains the lack of cultural icons, since it is prehistory, the unknown time before the times we know of. In terms of quire 13, it is where the earliest civilisations settled, in terms of the zodiac, it shows approximately 20000 years worth of lineage in its current state.