I reviewed the herculeaf posts about the Rosettes page. I do not agree that all nine circles represent one city. I think the center circle is the Empyrean where God resides. In Christian religious cosmologies, the Empyrean is "the source of light" so I think that nozzle-looking thing at the bottom with the chevrons coming out is God's light pouring out. There is also a place at the top with small circles pouring out and a nozzle to the left with line segments pouring out. There is also a place on the right with something pouring out but it is lost in the fold damage.
I think all of this imagery of something pouring out from the center circle is God's power pouring out and powering the universe. I think the circles that God's power is pouring into are the classical elements; earth, water, air, fire. I think air is the top, earth the bottom, fire the left, and water the right. The elements are the building blocks of the universe.
I don't see the city as intended to descended from Heaven to Earth. I see it as something that is expected to exist beyond the clouds/ether/aether when people get to Heaven after death. It probably doesn't matter if you call this Heavenly city the Empyrean or New Jerusalem or any other name, I think we are talking about the same basic idea of the residence of God in the Heavens.
I agree with this comment about the upper-right circle: "a sign of the ruling class and its wealth." I would continue with this idea that the opposite circle in the lower-left represents the clergy and the circle in the lower-right represents the common people; merchants and farmers. Maybe it's just me but I think that green rectangle with the squiggly lines looks like a garden or a field. I don't know about the blue X. Maybe that is a crossroad to represent traveling merchants.
I haven't given up on the idea of the small T-O Map in the upper-right as representing the world of the nobles of the larger circle. In life, the nobles rule the physical world on Earth.
I haven't given up on the idea of the clock/compass-looking thing in the lower-left as representing the Holy Trinity and relating to the larger circle representing the clergy who are the Earthly spiritual guides in life. I think maybe that cloud-looking thing with the trumpet-looking thing that is between the lower-left circle and the center circle may be an illustration that the clergy are the ones who hear the voice of God the loudest.
Maybe all those pipes are both for the voice of God from Heaven to Earth and as representing the prayers from people on Earth to God in Heaven.
I took the two suns in opposite corners to mean that the page was to be rotated and viewed from different positions.
This is just a wild guess but maybe the upper-left circle is the gateway between Earth and Heaven. Maybe it is the Aether, the fifth classical element. Maybe those pipes coming from that upper-left circle towards the center circle represent the prayers from people on Earth to God in Heaven. If someone asked me to draw a picture representing God in Heaven hearing the prayers of people on Earth, I'm not sure what I would draw.
I don't see the story as an end-of-the-world story. I see the story as the personal journey of each soul (I still think all those stars on the Zodiac pages are souls, not stars up in the sky) from pre-birth, to Ensoulment ( You are not allowed to view links.
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Login to view. ) following conception and pregnancy, to life (f85r2), to death (f86v4) and Judgment (f86v3), and then to Heaven (Ros).
I think the story of how each pre-birth soul is selected to be born on Earth is told in the Zodiac pages of Quire 9, Quire 10, Quire 11, and Quire 12.
I don't have a clue what that thing is coming out of the upper-right circle towards the center or what that thing is coming out of the lower-right circle towards the center.