RE: An Allegory of Salvation (Koen Gheuens & Cary Rapaport)
Barbrey > 16-07-2021, 03:22 AM
But nothing is easy with the Voynich. My quick googling earlier today was based on some inaccuracies of the visited sites that I want to correct so others are not misled too.
This God the Geometer figure did adorn the front page of Old French illustrated bibles. Bibles moralisees. One or more In use or at least existence since the 1200's, the last of them produced in the fifteenth. The earliest one contains something like 5000 illustrations.
Despite their long use, however, they were enormously expensive to produce and restricted to the French royal family, though Blanche of Castile seems to have had made a Latin edition. So while I guess it's possible that image based on the front cover circulated, the illustrated bibles themselves did not. My original understanding from one site was that this was a standard bible of the time, but it was not. Restricted as said to the French royal family.
Secondly, another site had labeled the centre image of the cosmos as the world soul, but another site, more trusted, says it is prima materia. So my location of anima or anima mundi is once again far from certain.
Still, the search continues, and the new info did perk my interest in one regard because of R. Sales and his Oresme analysis, one of the best comparisons I've seen though I don't think I've seen the full analysis. Will have to look up. My understanding is that the most pertinent painting in that Oresme collection was also held by a French royal family member. But don't quote me! Will investigate this.