RE: I found something...
VViews > 01-05-2021, 08:11 PM
As someone who's had about a dozen blog posts on the back-burner for ages, I can somewhat relate to what JKP is expressing here.
Sometimes, I'll have a post that goes unfinished for years, I add to it now and then but not getting a result I find really worth posting, and suddenly I stumble upon that one little detail that ties the whole thing together and the post is done within a couple of hours.
I think Tavie is suggesting that there is a bit of "teasing" in the way JKP revived this thread without saying what was found. Personally I don't think that's what happened, I think JKP was genuinely excited to tell us that this research isn't dead and that he will have something to share soon.
I do think what DONJCH said about publishing is important too. But we can't just pump out lists of references and links and images, things have to be thought out and written up... It takes time. Perhaps in that quest, the perfect can be the enemy of the good.
Personally, I doubt that any of what I have written, published or not, will be the key to solving the Voynich, so at least I don't have that dilemma! Funnily enough when I look at my stats, my most read posts are generally the ones I find the least useful. So while publishing matters in principle, in reality perhaps not always, and certainly there should be no pressure to post fast.