RE: VMS decryption scenarios
Wladimir D > 01-02-2016, 07:40 PM
I made a selection of single-root words "plants". It is пo8aiiU, п8aiiU, пa8iiU, o8iiU, oпo8aiiU, 8aiiU, 8aiU. This list of words reminded me of the old student game "in the words." The game is played in a column. Is spelled any word. The opponent has to write below the initial word of by replacing the, by removing, by adding the right, left, in the middle of one letter that the sequence was read what or new word (see figure). That is, necessary to find the word "beginning of the game". I to build a chain 8aiU - 8aiiU - п8aiiU - o8aiiU and then branching to пo8aiiU - oпo8aiiU and пa8aiiU.
Word п8auU page 34v I translated as a floating. This plant has leaves - floats. But it turned out not so simple. Same is the word I found in three onshore plants in the pages 94v, 95r1, 95r2. Moreover, they are drawn by on a single sheet of cross-linked, as if they constitute a "special" group. It was necessary to find the common features of plant for this spelling. And they were found.
In terrestrial plants this unstable or thin stem which leads to that that the plant is spreading over the surface, or is growing strongly at the expense lateral root offshoots (like wheat grass). Both cases share one a term - ground cover plants. A to find a common feature of a floating plant is already easy. In both cases (floating and land) plant spread, sprawling (covers an area) on the surface. This feature and is characterized by in word п8aiiU symbol "п" = ch - surface.