Latin as a Disguise for the VMS and Graphs:
First off, I wish to demonstrate how I derived my cipher. Most of the VMS glyphs were mapped from the, “Lexicon Abbreviaturarum”. About 60% of the glyphs are from the Lexicon and have a direct letter for letter match to my cipher. Other glyphs were moved to different letter values. The cipher I use is the closest representation for the VMS and indicates Middle English. This cipher also has decoded very few Latin, French and Greek words. As to disguise the VMS the Author constructed the cipher in this manner.
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I believe the Author encoded the VMS in such a way as to make one assume the VMS is predominately Latin. My interpretation is from a view about its look and feel and that Latin has too high of an average number value for it to be Latin. The VMS text is not meaningless, but its structure does not indicate a natural language. The VMS language is only understood by the Author and has a limited vocabulary with an intensely low use of conjunctions. The VMS language is in tune with Ordinal Gematria; when translated words equal to numbers do convey meaning.
The statistics below show the average Ordinal Number values from several languages as a means to compare my Cipher and maybe answer some deeper questions which I don’t understand. One Idea is that my cipher can produce a quality interpretation in Middle English, because the VMS may very well have a limited conjunction vocabulary. Ordinal Gematria was used as in A=1 through alphabets to Z=26.
These statistics below show the differences in higher weighted numeric valued letters to lower, from Modern, Middle and Old English. When I say higher weighted letters, I’m showing letters like (R through Y) from Middle English have a lower Ordinal Value of occurrences when compared with Modern English! The charts below do indicate that the choices made for letter placement correlated to the VMS have a strong relationship to Middle English Gematria.
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Therefore, the VMS is hidden to look like Latin and that it really is just simple Middle English Ordinal Gematria. Also if the VMS contained an abundance of words used as conjunctions then a more structured language would appear even if it is invented as I have explained. The VMS corpus of words would be longer if the Author used conjunctions. The absence of structure is related to a very low use of conjunctions and the use of Gematria in the VMS is the single reason which has stymied the Voynich Community for the last 104 years! Another point is that the, “Eva transcription” although good for statistics may have to be reworked to my cipher if we can ever decode the entire corpus.
You can download my interpretation of the VMS here:
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