The Voynich Ninja

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The constellation at the base of the page, highlighted in blue. Looks a lot like the constellation Cancer. If this is so then these would be the following stars:
  • The star at the top, (the 7 pointed star) would be Iota Cancri
  • The star in the middle (the 6 pointed star) would be Asellus Australis
  • The star on the bottom left (a 6 pointed star) would be Acubens
  • And the star on the bottom right (another 6 pointed star) would be Altarf. 
I dont know if this is right. I am a little unsure of Iota Cancri, but another possibility is that it could be the other star in the Cancer constellation which is Asellus Borealis. There is a star a little further up would therefore be Iota Cancri. The amount of letters also kind of match as well. There is 9 on the manuscript and 10 in the actual modern name.
I went by the Semitic or Arabic name to identify the stars in the chart, as best as i could. They aligned up with both the solstices in each chart.
Are the labeled constellations from script to star or from star to the script? For example in Andromeda, how is it concluded; with knowing the stars located in Andromeda you have checked for names or you have translated the script and it pointed the stars.
(22-04-2021, 07:02 PM)Pardis Motiee Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Are the labeled constellations from script to star or from star to the script? For example in Andromeda, how is it concluded; with knowing the stars located in Andromeda you have checked for names or you have translated the script and it pointed the stars.

Thank you Pardis Motiee for asking. Smile
I was actually working on translating my notes and clarification for this. This star chart had to be flipped ( it was set up like the ancient astrolabes), and the first one that was easily understandable was for the Demon Star, ancient name of Ra'as, current name Al-Ghul. Still working on translating my notes, but here are the first 12. Hopefully the pic works (i'm bad at this) Cry

[Image: cNDS8DMgUapHE22Y6]

 Some of the stars are easy to utilize the phonetic Voynich into Arabic, others needed a lot more digging on ancient meanings and names.
Star number, Voynich phonetic spelling, Ancient name, Language & meaning, and star/Constellation.
1. achazyychyg, ach azyqym/Al-Kaff, Hebrew for brother handcuffs/Arabic for hand, Cassiopeia
2. yyfanaz, Yf Anz/Alpheratz, Hebrew for fair force/Arabic for The horses head, star between Andromeda & Pegasas.
3. Arutta, Arit inEgyptian and Mizar in Arabic for waistband or girdle, Mirach in Andromeda.
4. Ayyang, Al-Janah Arabic for the wing, Epsilon Cygni
5. yayrsn, yay rsn Hebrew to sweep the bridle/Egyptian Ahtyr the 7 Hathors, Pleiades.
6. Ryyaz, Ra’as Al-Ghul, Arabic for Head of the Ghoul/Demon Star, Beta Persei.
7. Charsnsttzg, Chrtzym Hebrew Chrysanthemum, Messier 13 in Hercules armpit.
8. azyqbfg, az yqb pg Hebrew then winepress unripe fruit (Dionysus gave Icarius secret to wine making, Bootes.
9. Ahyyan, Ayn Hebrew and Arabic for eye, Epsilon Tauri
10. achfaaz,
11. Auryyg, Auriga Latin for Charioteer, Constellation Auriga.
12. Ahfqarg, Al-Firqah Arabic for the flock of sheep, Cepheis/beta Cephei.
(26-04-2021, 03:34 PM)Monica Yokubinas Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
(22-04-2021, 07:02 PM)Pardis Motiee Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Are the labeled constellations from script to star or from star to the script? For example in Andromeda, how is it concluded; with knowing the stars located in Andromeda you have checked for names or you have translated the script and it pointed the stars.

Thank you Pardis Motiee for asking. Smile
I was actually working on translating my notes and clarification for this. This star chart had to be flipped ( it was set up like the ancient astrolabes), and the first one that was easily understandable was for the Demon Star, ancient name of Ra'as, current name Al-Ghul. Still working on translating my notes, but here are the first 12. Hopefully the pic works (i'm bad at this) Cry

[Image: cNDS8DMgUapHE22Y6]

 Some of the stars are easy to utilize the phonetic Voynich into Arabic, others needed a lot more digging on ancient meanings and names.
Star number, Voynich phonetic spelling, Ancient name, Language & meaning, and star/Constellation.
1. achazyychyg, ach azyqym/Al-Kaff, Hebrew for brother handcuffs/Arabic for hand, Cassiopeia
2. yyfanaz, Yf Anz/Alpheratz, Hebrew for fair force/Arabic for The horses head, star between Andromeda & Pegasas.
3. Arutta, Arit inEgyptian and Mizar in Arabic for waistband or girdle, Mirach in Andromeda.
4. Ayyang, Al-Janah Arabic for the wing, Epsilon Cygni
5. yayrsn, yay rsn Hebrew to sweep the bridle/Egyptian Ahtyr the 7 Hathors, Pleiades.
6. Ryyaz, Ra’as Al-Ghul, Arabic for Head of the Ghoul/Demon Star, Beta Persei.
7. Charsnsttzg, Chrtzym Hebrew Chrysanthemum, Messier 13 in Hercules armpit.
8. azyqbfg, az yqb pg Hebrew then winepress unripe fruit (Dionysus gave Icarius secret to wine making, Bootes.
9. Ahyyan, Ayn Hebrew and Arabic for eye, Epsilon Tauri
10. achfaaz,
11. Auryyg, Auriga Latin for Charioteer, Constellation Auriga.
12. Ahfqarg, Al-Firqah Arabic for the flock of sheep, Cepheis/beta Cephei.

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Here are the last 12 star clarifications from my notes. I do have to update the chart itself, where i made an error.
Have a great day Smile

13. Yazub, Yaz aob Hebrew (fierce, communicates with or conjures ghosts) Al-Dhanab Al-Kaitus Janubiyy, Arabic, The Southern tail of Cetus (Sea Monster) Deneb Kaitos/Beta Ceti.
14. Ryfazrg, Rpa azhrh, Hebrew (watcher Giant warning), Yad Al-Jawza, Arabic (hand of the Giant) Betelgeuse. *Note: Raphael One of the Watchers and guide to Sheol (book of Enoch), Angel of healing, and God of the Giants, which looked to the Heifer star, Aldebaran, as the parent of life… (from the book History and Chronology of the Myth Making Age, By: James Francis Hewitt.
15. achqful, ach qfulh, Hebrew for brother Capella, Capella
16. achaqa, a chaqa, Al-Haqah, Arabic for the white spot, Lambda Orionis
17. aryfttrg, ary ptrh, Hebrew lion to escape, Arabic Al-Vashak/Al-Fahd, Lynx
18. Achyparun, ach yph arun/arunh, Hebrew for brother fair coffin/strong, Al-Ras al-Taum al-Muqadim (brother of the foremost twin) Pollox
19. Arutnyyaz, aryt ny yaz, Hebrew for share cropper I sweat, Big Dipper aka the Plough.
20. Apaypyan, Ap apyn, Hebrew for Countenance stream. Alpha Eridani/Acherner/Eridanus
*note: Unusually oblate shaped star
21. Achayayaz, Achazyh, Hebrew for Yah has upheld, Al Kursiyy Al Jauzah, Arabic for chair of the central one, the footstool of Orion Beta Erandani
*Al Jauzah is the original name of 3 stars.
22. Yarun, Yrn, Hebrew for thigh, Castor?
23. yayyg, Al-Yamaniyyah, Arabic Canopus
*note: Al-abur al-Yamaniyyah (the passage of the South, a reference to the route taken by Canopus in the Arabic version of the myth of Canopus and Sirus.
24 Ahqyan, Auh Qin, Hebrew do wrong Cain, Arabic Al-Abur, Sirus
Hope everyone is doing well Smile
 As many of you know, the names of the stars and constellations have undergone numerous name changes throughout history. Many names still bare Arabic and Greek names, with alterations over time. My original charts were a preliminary overview, and I wanted to redo them, and dig deeper into their historical names, meanings and show how many stars were mixed up in translations or even the stars themselves, could have been attributed to a different star, than the one intended.

While redoing 68r1, I came across something fascinating. Some of the Voynich stars are actually phonetically similar to their Arabic or Greek astronomical names… here are a few examples. And Yes, they align perfectly within the star chart.
68r1 is the Summer Solstice
68r2 in the Winter Solstice
(I was concentrating too much on definitions and not on the proper phonetics.)
First is Voynich (sound out phonetically), Next is Hebrew or Arabic or Greek definition, last is current star name Remember: the ‘g’ glyph at the end of a word, open is a soft gah sound and closed g is a hard g sound. I/J/Y all have similar sounds as do C/K/CH/Q, J/G and P/F/V.
11. Ypya ychyg, ypya ychyg, Hebrew for Japhia (may the deity shine) and long live, Arabic is Fyja for Vega
16. Azdb, Adh-Dhi’b Arabic for the wolf, Adib, Alpha Draconis.
20. Ahazrg, Al-Izar, Arabic for the loin cloth, Izar, Epsilon Bootes.
21. Ghyyru, Gh yr (Hebrew for this fear) Giausar (Arabic) Ghauzar (Persian for tail of the Dragon) Lambda Draconis
22. Paqarychyg, Pchr/Pqyr ypyg, Hebrew for potters clay/Fakir and beauty, (Fakir Definition is both for Arabic and Hindi “religious ascetic who lives solely on God” Cassiopeia in the other star chart on 68r2 as achazyypyuh or aCazepiah. (I had transcribed the wrong letters previously) *see bottom note.
24. Sypyah, Spica Latin, Spica in Virgo.
25. Ahqaruz, Arktourous/Arktos in Greek meaning guardian of the bear, Al-Simak in Arabic, Arcturus
27. Alruma, Al Rma (Hebrew for God of the high place) Al-Ruba (Arabic for the foal) ar-Ruba
28. Achayyfrg, Al-Firqah, Arabic for the flock of sheep, Al-Firk, Beta Cephei.
Cassiopeia appears in both the Winter Solstice 68r2 and the Summer Solstice 68r1.  There are 2 different names for this Queen. Cassiopeia in Winter and Paqarypyg in Summer. Cassiopeia is cursed and placed in the heavens, while the alternate in Summer has definitions of: ran out, open, or prison release.
Why is this relevant? All cultures have mythology associated with the dying of winter and the birth of summer solstices.
In Hindi: Kali and Shakti
Slavic: Morana and Vesna
Britain: The Holly king and the Oak king
Greek: Persephone and Demeter
Norse: Frigg and Baldr
Babylonian: Tammuz and Istar
Egyptian: Osiris and Isis
(13-02-2022, 06:35 PM)Monica Yokubinas Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Hope everyone is doing well Smile
 As many of you know, the names of the stars and constellations have undergone numerous name changes throughout history. Many names still bare Arabic and Greek names, with alterations over time. My original charts were a preliminary overview, and I wanted to redo them, and dig deeper into their historical names, meanings and show how many stars were mixed up in translations or even the stars themselves, could have been attributed to a different star, than the one intended.

While redoing 68r1, I came across something fascinating. Some of the Voynich stars are actually phonetically similar to their Arabic or Greek astronomical names… here are a few examples. And Yes, they align perfectly within the star chart.
68r1 is the Summer Solstice
68r2 in the Winter Solstice
(I was concentrating too much on definitions and not on the proper phonetics.)
First is Voynich (sound out phonetically), Next is Hebrew or Arabic or Greek definition, last is current star name Remember: the ‘g’ glyph at the end of a word, open is a soft gah sound and closed g is a hard g sound. I/J/Y all have similar sounds as do C/K/CH/Q, J/G and P/F/V.
11. Ypya ychyg, ypya ychyg, Hebrew for Japhia (may the deity shine) and long live, Arabic is Fyja for Vega
16. Azdb, Adh-Dhi’b Arabic for the wolf, Adib, Alpha Draconis.
20. Ahazrg, Al-Izar, Arabic for the loin cloth, Izar, Epsilon Bootes.
21. Ghyyru, Gh yr (Hebrew for this fear) Giausar (Arabic) Ghauzar (Persian for tail of the Dragon) Lambda Draconis
22. Paqarychyg, Pchr/Pqyr ypyg, Hebrew for potters clay/Fakir and beauty, (Fakir Definition is both for Arabic and Hindi “religious ascetic who lives solely on God” Cassiopeia in the other star chart on 68r2 as achazyypyuh or aCazepiah. (I had transcribed the wrong letters previously) *see bottom note.
24. Sypyah, Spica Latin, Spica in Virgo.
25. Ahqaruz, Arktourous/Arktos in Greek meaning guardian of the bear, Al-Simak in Arabic, Arcturus
27. Alruma, Al Rma (Hebrew for God of the high place) Al-Ruba (Arabic for the foal) ar-Ruba
28. Achayyfrg, Al-Firqah, Arabic for the flock of sheep, Al-Firk, Beta Cephei.
Cassiopeia appears in both the Winter Solstice 68r2 and the Summer Solstice 68r1.  There are 2 different names for this Queen. Cassiopeia in Winter and Paqarypyg in Summer. Cassiopeia is cursed and placed in the heavens, while the alternate in Summer has definitions of: ran out, open, or prison release.
Why is this relevant? All cultures have mythology associated with the dying of winter and the birth of summer solstices.
In Hindi: Kali and Shakti
Slavic: Morana and Vesna
Britain: The Holly king and the Oak king
Greek: Persephone and Demeter
Norse: Frigg and Baldr
Babylonian: Tammuz and Istar
Egyptian: Osiris and Isis

[Image: tNBBzKpSVowghatM6] You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. 
I wanted to share the 68r1 Summer Solstice page of phonetic Voynich compared to the medieval or Ancient names for Stars. The visual gives a better idea of how they match. It takes a lot of time to do, because you have to go through the current star charts and many books on ancient star or constellation names. Some stars can have the same name or very similar name to other stars in different constellations, mainly because of interpretations from multiple languages. Hope the picture works, i can never seem to load it correctly. Hope everyone is having a great day.
I don't often respond publicly anymore, but recently my name has appeared in academic circles so, I will review some of my own published work as it might be relevant to this post. Much of my work since 1983, has been published through the Department of Anthropology at the University of Oregon, my geodesy field work, and associated cartographic maps, can be found in numerous occasional papers published by the Natural History Museum of the U of O. I began studying the VM in 1987 and was, at this time, employed as the Assistant Director of the U of O Map Library. As the AD it was my job to know all of these early works. By 1985 I was already familiar with the Catalan Map. That "mapa munde" was the first to employ the rose compass image. As the AD it also fell on my shoulders to peer review the work of other professional cartographers. (Note the Atlas Catalan is not the Mapa Munde. That map was found in the Hereford Cathedral school. It does, however, show the level of geographic knowledge and study in this region.)

The drawings on both 68v and 68r are not star charts. One of my specialties is archeoastronomy and I understand the use and development of star charts and images that date back 45,000 years. The images on these pages are instead, mechanical parts to an unnamed apparatus. I have built this apparatus and tested it in a real-world environment. Some of this work was published in the paper about Viking Sunstones through DOC
Hi, Monica Yokubinas(∩´∀`)∩[b][url=][/url][/b]

I made a consideration video of Voynich.
and I will make sequel video of it ヾ(*´∀`*)ノキャッキャ

the first video is about plants, in other word it explain about plants section.
and the second video that I will make plans about  astronomy section.

so I have an ask to you.  I want to use your explanation picture about 68r1 and 68r2.
can you please help me? (+_+)
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