RE: Three numerical systems
R. Sale > 27-02-2023, 07:28 PM
The purpose of the illustration is to show the structural form of the numerals '4' and '7' in their medieval representations. The first is an upward loop and the other is an inverted 'V'. These structural forms are the compared with the forms of the glyphs in the 4 x 17 symbol sequence of VMs f57v, specifically looking at the second symbol, EVA l, and the fifth symbol, EVA v, respectively.
The comparison reveals strong similarity of form in each example. Nevertheless, the visual comparison of form tends toward being a subjective interpretation. In addition to this, the VMs sequence, beginning with EVA o, l, d, r, v, etc., can now be reinterpreted as _, 4, _, _, 7, where the two numbers are properly positioned in sequence (and direction).
Correct placement, as such, is an objective phenomenon. It is not a comparison or an opinion. Proper placement is an irrefutable, objective confirmation of a strong subjective interpretation.
Rinse and repeat with the Greek and Latin examples in the first posting.
EVA: o, l, d, r, v
Greek: omega, _, _, _, lambda
Roman: _, _, _, _, 5* * = inverted
Medieval: _, 4, _, _, 7
Each system of interpretation has its own positional confirmation. Can such a complex structure, in accord with historical examples, occur by accident? It seems unlikely to me. Can such structure be dismissed out of hand? That seems like a mistake.
What does this tell us and how does it work? Do we have three disks on a cypher wheel? What about the "unused" glyphs from the sequence? Do they get replaced? *** Lots of unanswered questions.