RE: Ruminations on the Voynich Manuscript > 19-08-2021, 04:28 PM
Hi, Emma, I tried to post this comment on your blog, but it did not go through. Since this might also be of interest to others, I decided to try here.
By the way, I became interested in your blog when I started double-checking my theory. I also thank you for pointing me to the article Renumeration on the Voynich Manuscript, where I found some very helpful data.
I am assuming that Grove words are the words left over after the firs gallows glyph is removed and still seem to form a word that appears somewhere else without the gallows glyph.
Let me explain how that works with the VM:
Eva K and T are actually correct transcription of Voynich glyphs into Latin and work very well with Slovenian language.
The letter K is one-letter Slovenian word, meaning 'to', 'towards'. In dialectal speech, K also stands for Slovenian words KI (that) and KO (when). They were written together with the next word, but eventually they became separated. This means that if K is removed, the meaningful word remains. Out of about 1000 words starting with K in the VM, I was only able to separate about 100 of them.
T is not a word, but in the VM stands in some words for dialectal pronunciation of the words TU (here) and TI (to you). In this case, T is attached to the next word. Again, out of about 1000 words, I found only about 100 cases where a separation of T leaves a meaningful Slovenian word.
As you can sea, your unknowingly confirmed some aspects of my research.
The other two unique VM tall glyphs stand for Slovenian sounds SV, CV , ZV. The sounds are so similar, that a foreigners cannot tell them apart. I know that is true, because I had seen my name spelled as Svetka, Zvedka, Quetka, Suedka... I noticed that in the VM they are used interchangably. These by-glyphs can be found in Slovenian words SVETITI (related to light, enlightenment, blessing), SVET (related to holy, divine), SVET (world), SVET (advice), SVARITI (give warning), CVET (related to flowers and blossoms), ZVEZDE (stars), ZVEDETI (to know, to find out). These are the words that one would find in all sections of the VM.