doranchak > 30-06-2020, 11:21 AM
0.005278995 2 aadiil [aiidal, daiial] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aadilry [alairdy, airaldy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aadl [adal, dala] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aadlly [dalaly, alaldy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aadlory [oaldary, oralady] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aaflor [ofalar, ofaral] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aaiknry [ykarain, karainy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aairr [airar, arair] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aakorr [kararo, okarar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 accehhlt [chchetal, checthal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acchhkly [chckhaly, chkalchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acddehl [dchedal, dalched] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acddhl [dalchd, dchdal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdeeehkly [chalkeeedy, dalcheeeky] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdeh [chead, cheda] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdehiinot [cheotdaiin, tcheodaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdehkly [kalchedy, chedkaly] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdehkor [ckheodar, kcheodar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdehlop [opchedal, pcheodal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdehlor [orchedal, rcheodal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdehlot [tcheodal, ctheodal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdehls [salched, dalches] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdehort [otchedar, tcheodar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdehy [adchey, cheady] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdh [chad, chda] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhiinoty [ycthodaiin, ytchodaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhinot [otchdain, tchodain] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhiny [ychdain, chaindy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhkloy [okalchdy, kodalchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhllo [choldal, dcholal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhlooty [octhodaly, cthodoaly] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhlopy [opalchdy, opchaldy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhlort [tchdarol, ctholdar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhlp [pchdal, palchd] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhlpy [cphaldy, alpchdy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhlty [cthdaly, chtaldy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acdhy [chady, dachy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aceehiinp [cpheeaiin, cheepaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aceehkl [chkeeal, chekeal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aceehry [ycheear, archeey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aceeht [ctheea, cheeta] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acehiinop [opcheaiin, cheopaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acehilnot [chetolain, cheoltain] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acehino [cheoain, ocheain] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acehkly [chekaly, alcheky] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acehlt [etchal, chetal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acehmt [chtaem, chetam] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acfhiin [chfaiin, cfhaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acfhly [chfaly, alcfhy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 acfhm [cfham, fcham] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achiikny [ykchaiin, chykaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achiinoopr [opcharoiin, ocphoraiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achiort [chotair, octhair] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achiry [ychair, airchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achkloq [qokchal, qockhal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achkmoos [okchosam, ockhosam] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achlloy [cholaly, chaloly] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achlm [chlam, lcham] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achlmo [cholam, olcham] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achlo [choal, olcha] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achlort [choltar, cthoral] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achlost [talchos, chotals] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achlty [chtaly, tchaly] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achmt [ctham, chtam] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achmy [amchy, ycham] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achorr [chorar, charor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achpry [cphary, ypchar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 achrs [schar, chsar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 addehlsy [shedaldy, dalshedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 addimy [daimdy, dydaim] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 addl [ddal, dald] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 addloy [dalody, odaldy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adeeekly [dalkeeey, kedaleey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adeeiikno [keeodaiin, okeedaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adeely [aleedy, ydeeal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adeenot [oteedan, teeodan] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adehiinps [pshedaiin, shepdaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adehlsy [dalshey, alshedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adeiino [oedaiin, odeaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adekry [dareky, ykedar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adeky [kaedy, ykeda] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adelo [oedal, eodal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adeloost [otesalod, oteosdal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adhlrs [alshdr, lshdar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adiilo [daiiol, odaiil] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adiily [aiildy, ydaiil] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adiiry [daiiry, dairiy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adikny [kydain, dykain] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adkllooy [okoldaly, okolaldy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adklyy [dykaly, ykaldy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adkr [dkar, kard] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adllr [lldar, raldl] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adlotyy [ytodaly, ytalody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adortyy [otydary, ytarody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adoty [otyda, ytoda] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adsy [ydas, dasy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 adtyy [ytyda, dayty] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ady [ady, day] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aeeeorsy [oeeseary, oeeesary] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aeekllo [alkeeol, olkeeal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aeeorty [aroteey, oteeary] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aeer [aree, eear] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aehkors [shoekar, sheokar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aehrsy [yshear, arshey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aeiiknoq [qoekaiin, qokeaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aeiint [teaiin, etaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aellot [alteol, oletal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aeors [soear, seoar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aes [eas, aes] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 afiilno [folaiin, olfaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 afiry [yfair, raify] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 afls [sfal, salf] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ahiinst [tshaiin, shtaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ahikty [taikhy, kaithy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ahlors [shoral, sholar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ahrst [tshar, shtar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ahs [ash, sha] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aiiilno [aloiiin, olaiiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aiilnooot [otoloaiin, otolaiino] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aiilnor [olraiin, loraiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aiilnr [lraiin, rlaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aiinoqr [qoirain, qoraiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aiinoty [yotaiin, ytoaiin] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aiiorss [sosaiir, soraiis] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ailnos [olsain, solain] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ailnoy [olainy, oinaly] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ais [ais, sai] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 akkyy [ykaky, ykyka] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 akllooq [qoolkal, qokalol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 akloo [olkao, okalo] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 akloty [otalky, kotaly] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 akors [kosar, sokar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 akorty [tokary, ytokar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aky [aky, yka] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 alloos [oolals, oolsal] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 allosy [olalsy, olsaly] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aloorr [arolor, orarol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 alopy [poaly, opaly] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 alrs [rals, lsar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ammo [amom, omam] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 aorx [axor, oxar] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ccdeehhky [checkhedy, dcheckhey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ccdfhhoy [chofchdy, chocfhdy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ccdhhko [chkchod, chckhod] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ccdhhooty [chotchody, chocthody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cceeehhky [chekcheey, cheekchey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cceeehhoty [cheoctheey, choctheeey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cceefhhpy [pchecfhey, chepchefy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cceehhkyy [ycheeckhy, ycheckhey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cceehhopy [cheocphey, chopcheey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ccfhhlo [chcfhol, chfchol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ccfhhoor [chocfhor, fchochor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchhhkosy [chokshchy, shockhchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchhkloy [olchckhy, cholkchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchhkoor [chokchor, chockhor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchhkory [chkchory, chkorchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchhksy [chckshy, schckhy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchhloop [chocphol, chopchol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchhlop [chpchol, chcphol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchhort [chtchor, chcthor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchhost [chcthso, chotchs] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchhsty [chchsty, schcthy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchhtyy [chytchy, ytchchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cchpy [cpchy, chcpy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cddehopqy [qopcheddy, qopchedyd] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cddehty [dchetdy, decthdy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cddho [dchod, odchd] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cddhyy [dydchy, dchydy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdeeehy [chedeey, dcheeey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdeefhoy [dchefoey, fcheeody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdeefhy [efchedy, fchedey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdeehhkosy [sheockhedy, kechodshey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdeehhpsy [chpsheedy, shepchedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdeehhsty [shecthedy, chetshedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdeehko [chokeed, chekeod] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdeehkyy [chykeedy, cheykedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdeehsy [dscheey, dsechey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdehko [choked, ckheod] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdehkoq [qokched, qockhed] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdehkoty [otkchedy, tchokedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdehlor [olchedr, rcheold] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdehlory [ylchedor, rolchedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdehlot [tcheodl, tchedol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdehotyy [cheotydy, chyteody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdehqty [qetchdy, qtchedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdhhkosy [shkchody, shckhody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdhhsy [shdchy, shchdy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdhllo [dolchl, lchdol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdhlos [solchd, schold] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdhlot [cthold, tolchd] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdhloty [ctholdy, oltchdy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdhoopqy [qocphody, qopchody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdhop [pchod, cphod] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdhosty [sotchdy, otchsdy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cdht [cthd, tchd] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceeehhsty [sheecthey, sheeetchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceeehlos [secheeol, olcheees] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceeeho [choeee, cheeeo] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceeehos [cheoees, choeees] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceeehoty [choteeey, cheoteey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehhsty [shecthey, sheetchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehkkooy [okeockhey, chokeeoky] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehkoor [okeechor, chokeeor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehkoos [cheokeos, ockhoees] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehkooy [oeeockhy, ochokeey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehkos [kcheeos, chokees] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehkosy [sokcheey, chokesey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehloo [cheeool, olcheeo] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehlos [scheeol, olchees] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehnt [tcheen, ctheen] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehooqtty [qoteeotchy, qotoeetchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehoot [otcheeo, otecheo] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehors [chseeor, esechor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehosy [choeesy, ychoees] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceehrs [rchees, scheer] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cefhoqy [qocfhey, qofchey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cefhos [cfheos, fcheos] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehhks [sheckh, chshek] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehhost [shctheo, chotshe] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehhstyy [shectyhy, sheycthy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehkl [chekl, lkech] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehklos [kolches, schekol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehkooty [choteoky, otokchey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehlory [rolchey, orlchey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehoop [opcheo, ocpheo] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehoors [orcheos, oscheor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehoost [otcheos, choteos] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehoqst [qotches, qocthes] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehosy [ycheos, sochey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehotyy [otychey, yteochy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cehsty [schety, scthey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceky [ckey, ecky] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ceos [cseo, oecs] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cfhloo [chofol, ofchol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cfhloy [fcholy, cholfy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cfho [chof, fcho] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 cfhs [cfhs, fchs] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chhkors [shckhor, shkchor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chhkossy [shockhsy, soshckhy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chhloos [shochol, cholsho] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chhooprs [shocphor, shcphoor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chhoost [oshctho, shotcho] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chklor [kchorl, lkchor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chklosy [solkchy, ckholsy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chkly [lkchy, ychkl] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chkooqs [qockhos, qokchos] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chkoory [oykchor, chokory] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chkotyy [ytchoky, otchyky] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chlls [lchsl, llchs] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chloopqy [qoypchol, qopcholy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chlooqty [qoctholy, qotolchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chloort [tolchor, chtorol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chmop [pchom, cphom] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 choop [opcho, chopo] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 choory [yochor, ochory] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 choos [ochos, oscho] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 chotty [tocthy, totchy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 co [oc, co] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ddeeeo [deeeod, odeeed] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ddehopsy [pdsheody, podshedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ddekoy [dokedy, okedyd] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ddeloy [dedloy, doledy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ddhlosy [dsholdy, dsholyd] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ddl [ddl, dld] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 deeehkosy [shekeeody, sheokeedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 deeekl [lkeeed, lkeede] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 deeekoyy [ykeeeody, ykeeodey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 deehkos [shekeod, sheoked] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 deehkosy [okeshedy, keeshody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 deehlosy [sheeoldy, olsheedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 deekor [keedor, dkeeor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 deeosty [teesody, eteodys] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dehklos [ksheodl, olkshed] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dehksyy [shekydy, ykshedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dehloos [sheodol, olsheod] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dehoty [tohedy, theody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dehss [dshes, sheds] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 deklloy [lkeoldy, lolkedy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dekory [ykedor, dykeor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 delooqt [qoteold, qotedol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dfhloosy [folshody, ofsholdy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dfhosy [fshody, ofshdy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dfoyy [ofydy, yfody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dhloqsy [lshdyqo, qolshdy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dhlosty [tsholdy, toldshy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dhls [lshd, shld] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dhoopsy [opshody, poshody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dhopsy [opshdy, pshody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dklo [dkol, kodl] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dkoos [okosd, sokod] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dlooqy [qooldy, qolody] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dlos [sold, dlos] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dlosy [losdy, soldy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dlot [told, tdol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dootyy [otoydy, oytoyd] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 dr [rd, dr] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeehklosy [sheolkeey, keeolshey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeeklopy [polkeeey, ykeeepol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeekooty [oteokeey, okeoteey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeekos [okeees, keeeos] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeekosy [ykeeeos, ykeoees] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeekotyy [okeyteey, oteeykey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeeksy [seekey, yekees] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeelooy [oloeeey, eeeoloy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeeotyy [yoeteey, yteeoey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeglos [olseeg, soleeg] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eehkloos [sheokeol, shokeeol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eehklosy [olkeeshy, olkeshey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eehklsy [sheekly, lksheey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eehkoqsy [qokeshey, qokeeshy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeklloo [ekeolol, olkeeol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeklory [olkeeyr, rolkeey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eekooqy [qokoeey, oqokeey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eekoyy [yokeey, oykeey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eekqy [qkeey, qekey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eeoss [eesos, soees] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eesty [ytees, teeys] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ehksyy [sheyky, ykeshy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ehlloost [tolsheol, sholteol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ehloos [osheol, sheolo] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ehloost [tolsheo, shoteol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ehoors [sheoor, shoeor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ehosssy [sysheos, yshesos] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ehosst [tsheos, otshes] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ehossy [ysheos, oshesy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ehsst [shets, tshes] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ehssyy [yshesy, sheysy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ekloooq [oqokeol, qokeolo] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ekloos [okeols, seokol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 ekloqy [qolkey, qokeyl] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eksy [ykes, skey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 el [el, le] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eoors [soeor, oreso] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eoorty [yteoor, oteory] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eoosty [oteoys, otosey] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 eos [soe, oes] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 floor [olfor, folor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 floy [olfy, ofyl] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 fo [of, fo] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 hlooprs [pshorol, polshor] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 hloops [poshol, opshol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 hlopsyy [polyshy, ypsholy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 hloss [shols, sshol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 hlosty [tolshy, olshty] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 hoos [shoo, osho] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 hostyy [otyshy, shoyty] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 hssy [yshs, shsy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 hsyy [shyy, yshy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 kkloyy [kolyky, okylky] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 klooty [otolky, otykol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 klopy [polky, kolpy] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 lloot [otlol, tolol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 loors [solor, sorol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 loost [lotos, tolos] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 lopq [qolp, qpol] (1, 1)
0.005278995 2 lt [lt, tl] (1, 1)
0.007918492 2 aachklr [chkalar, chalkar] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aadirr [darair, dairar] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aadlorty [otardaly, otaraldy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aaikmr [kairam, karaim] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 aailr [alair, airal] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aaiprr [parair, pairar] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aakr [akar, kara] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 aalrt [taral, talar] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 acchhiikno [chokchaiin, kchochaiin] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 acchhkor [ochkchar, chockhar] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 acddhiino [chdodaiin, dchodaiin] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 acdehiikno [kcheodaiin, okchedaiin] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 acdehinp [pchedain, dchepain] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 acdhklo [okchdal, chkodal] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 acdhort [cthodar, tchodar] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 acehklo [chokeal, cheokal] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 acehll [lcheal, chelal] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 acehry [cheary, ychear] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 achkry [chykar, karchy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 addor [darod, dodar] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 adeeiino [oeedaiin, eeodaiin] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 adeeinot [oteedain, teeodain] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 adeekor [okeedar, keeodar] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 adeiiklno [lkeodaiin, olkedaiin] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 adeinot [otedain, teodain] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 adiiy [daiiy, aiidy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 adiln [dainl, ldain] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 adloot [otodal, otalod] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 adort [todar, otard] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 aeeklo [okeeal, keeoal] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 aeeklor [lkeeoar, olkeear] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aekly [ykeal, alkey] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aeloqt [qoetal, qoteal] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aeoqrt [qoetar, qotear] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aer [are, ear] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aert [tear, etar] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 agl [gal, alg] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 ahiinost [shotaiin, otshaiin] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ahlsy [alshy, shaly] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 aiiklnoq [qoklaiin, qolkaiin] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aiiknor [koraiin, okraiin] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 aiilnot [otlaiin, oltaiin] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aiiry [aiiry, yaiir] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aiko [okai, oika] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 aillno [lolain, ollain] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ailnot [tolain, oltain] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 airy [airy, yair] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 aklooqr [qokalor, qokoral] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 alloor [olalor, alolor] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 almoot [otalom, otolam] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 alopr [polar, poral] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 alry [raly, ylar] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ccdeehhk [checkhed, chckheed] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ccdehhloy [cholchedy, cheolchdy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ccdehhopy [chopchedy, pcheodchy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cceehhy [chechey, chcheey] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ccehhopy [chopchey, cheocphy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ccfhhoy [chofchy, chocfhy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cchhorty [orchcthy, cthorchy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cchty [chcty, ctchy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 cddehoy [dcheody, odchedy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cddehyy [chedydy, dychedy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 cdeeehkloy [cholkeeedy, cheolkeedy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 cdeeh [dchee, cheed] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 cdeehk [cheked, kcheed] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cdeehkooy [okchodeey, chokeeody] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 cdeehpy [pcheedy, pchedey] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cdehlooy [olchedyo, olcheody] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 cdehory [orchedy, chedyor] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cdehos [chedos, dcheos] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 cdhkooqy [qokchody, qockhody] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cdhloo [chodol, olchod] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cdhloop [pchodol, cphodol] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cdhooy [choody, ochody] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 cdhoyy [ychody, oydchy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ceefh [fchee, cheef] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 ceehhkosy [shokcheey, sheockhey] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 ceehklo [chekeol, ckheeol] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ceehkor [kcheeor, chekeor] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ceehoqy [qocheey, qoeechy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ceehory [orcheey, ycheeor] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cehklooy [okecholy, okolchey] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 cehkooqr [qokcheor, qockheor] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cehloo [ocheol, olcheo] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 cehloty [oltchey, ctheoly] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 cehss [chess, sches] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 chhkoy [ockhhy, okchhy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 chhpsy [shcphy, pchshy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 chiinot [chtoiin, cthoiin] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 chklopy [polkchy, pcholky] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 chkooy [ochoyk, okchoy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 chks [kchs, ckhs] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 chlt [chtl, cthl] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 chmoot [otchom, chotom] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 choo [ocho, choo] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 choqy [chyqo, qochy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 chst [scth, cths] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 ddeekyy [dykeedy, kydeedy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ddekyy [kedydy, dykedy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 ddey [dedy, eddy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ddhsy [shddy, dshdy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 deeeloy [oleeedy, doleeey] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 deehklosy [sholkeedy, sheolkedy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 deehoosty [oteodshey, shoteeody] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 deehss [dshees, shesed] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 deeo [doee, deeo] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 dehlopsy [olpshedy, psheoldy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 deot [oted, tedo] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 dhlost [tshdol, dtshol] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 dllo [ldol, llod] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 dlloy [loldy, olldy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 dloo [odol, dolo] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 dloty [toldy, tydlo] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 dopy [pody, ypod] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 dsy [dsy, dys] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 dsyy [sydy, ydys] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 eeehss [sheees, shesee] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 eeeklo [keeeol, okeeel] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 eeekqy [qekeey, qkeeey] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 eeesy [seeey, eesey] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 eehhkssy [sheekshy, shekshey] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 eehklos [sheekol, ksheeol] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 eehksyy [ykeeshy, yksheey] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 eehlosty [lsheotey, sheoltey] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 eehssy [ssheey, yshees] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 eeklooy [okeeoly, yokeeol] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 eekooy [okoeey, okeeoy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 eelo [leeo, eeol] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 eelooq [qoeeol, qooeel] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 eeooqty [qotoeey, qoteeoy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ehklosy [yksheol, olkshey] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 ehloors [olsheor, sheolor] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 eklosy [solkey, ykeols] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 ekoqr [qoker, qekor] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 eot [ote, teo] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 hhossy [shoshy, shysho] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 hkoors [okshor, shokor] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 hksyy [ykshy, yskhy] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 hoors [oshor, shoor] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 hoost [shoto, otsho] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 hossy [soshy, yshos] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 iinoy [yoiin, oiiny] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 kl [kl, lk] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 kloos [okols, sokol] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 kooqy [oqoky, qokoy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 lloos [solol, olols] (1, 2)
0.007918492 2 loopr [polor, porol] (2, 1)
0.007918492 2 otyy [oyty, ytoy] (1, 2)
0.007918492 3 aadr [daar, dara, adar] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 aalopr [poaral, opalar, oparal] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 acchhpr [chpchar, cphchar, chcphar] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 acdhlop [pchodal, cphodal, opchdal] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 acdhpry [ypchdar, parchdy, pychdar] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 aceehkor [cheoekar, chokeear, chekeoar] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 acehort [cheotar, otechar, chotear] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 acehs [cheas, schea, chsea] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 achiinop [opchaiin, cphoaiin, pochaiin] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 achiinty [ytchaiin, cthyaiin, ychtaiin] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 achlpy [ypchal, chpaly, pychal] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 adinor [dainor, dorain, rodain] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 adklo [okald, kodal, dokal] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 adlory [arodly, dolary, dalory] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 aehklsy [sheykal, shekaly, kalshey] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 ailor [olair, oiral, airol] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 aklos [sokal, kalos, kasol] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 alloory [ololary, orolaly, oraloly] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 ccdhhkoyy [ykchochdy, dychokchy, chodykchy] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 ccdhhy [dchchy, chchdy, chdchy] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 cceehhoty [chotcheey, cheocthey, cheotchey] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 ccehty [ctechy, chctey, ctchey] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 cdeehot [otcheed, octhede, tedcheo] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 cdehkoo [chokeod, okcheod, okechod] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 cdehkoyy [yckheody, ykcheody, ykechody] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 cdehloty [ltcheody, oltchedy, tolchedy] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 cdhksy [kschdy, ckhyds, skchdy] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 ceeeehkoy [cheoekeey, cheeokeey, cheeoekey] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 ceeehkoos [cheeokseo, cheokeeos, choekeeos] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 ceehkoo [okcheeo, chokeeo, cheokeo] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 cehkosy [schokey, sockhey, okchesy] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 cehoor [ocheor, cheoor, orcheo] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 cehosty [socthey, otechys, sheocty] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 cehpry [rpchey, cpheyr, ypcher] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 cfhloor [cholfor, olfchor, folchor] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 chkooqy [qockhoy, qokochy, oqockhy] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 chkosy [ykchos, choksy, sokchy] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 chlr [rchl, lchr, chlr] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 deelo [deeol, oleed, eedol] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 deeooqt [qoteeod, qoteedo, qoteode] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 dlor [drol, dorl, dolr] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 dortyy [dytory, ytoryd, rotydy] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 eeekoor [eeeokor, eokeeor, oekeeor] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 eehkosyy [okyeeshy, ykeoeshy, shyokeey] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 eeort [teeor, eteor, oteer] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 eesy [yees, seey, eesy] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 ehkors [shekor, keshor, shkeor] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 kloory [ykolor, okylor, olkory] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 koqry [qkory, qokyr, qorky] (1, 1, 1)
0.007918492 3 osty [soty, ytos, otys] (1, 1, 1)
0.01055799 2 aaddiiln [daildain, daldaiin] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 acdehopr [pcheodar, cpheodar] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 achklor [cholkar, chkarol] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 addhlsy [dalshdy, shdaldy] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 adeekl [keedal, lkeeda] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 adehlosty [otalshedy, dalteoshy] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 adekmo [keodam, okedam] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 adhlos [shdalo, shodal] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 adiinr [dairin, dariin] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 aeiknoq [qokeain, oqekain] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 aflo [ofal, alfo] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 aiilor [aiirol, olaiir] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 aiinopr [poraiin, paroiin] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 ailnoq [qaloin, qolain] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 aioorrt [otairor, tairoor] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 aior [oair, orai] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 airsy [sairy, ysair] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 airty [ytair, raity] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 aoort [otoar, otaro] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 aty [aty, yta] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 cceehhpy [checphey, chepchey] (2, 2)
0.01055799 2 cchhkyy [chykchy, ychckhy] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 cddehloy [dcheoldy, dolchedy] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 cdehoyy [yochedy, ycheody] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 cdhooqty [qocthody, qotchody] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 cdhos [chdos, dchos] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 ceeehty [cheteey, cheeety] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 cehk [chek, kche] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 cehklooq [qokcheol, qockheol] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 cehkoo [chokeo, okcheo] (2, 2)
0.01055799 2 cehkooq [qokcheo, qokecho] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 cehkory [ykcheor, chykeor] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 cehlooqt [qoctheol, qotcheol] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 cfhor [fchor, ofchr] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 chhosy [shochy, choshy] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 chklooy [okolchy, olockhy] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 chll [lchl, chll] (2, 2)
0.01055799 2 choorr [orchor, choror] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 chsy [schy, chsy] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 deeekloy [olkeeedy, lkeeeody] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 deeeky [keedey, keeedy] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 deeeoqy [qoeeedy, qoedeey] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 deekosy [sokeedy, skeeody] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 deeloty [oteedyl, olteedy] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 deeloy [oldeey, oleedy] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 dehors [shedor, dsheor] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 deloot [oteodl, otedol] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 delooty [olteody, oteoldy] (2, 2)
0.01055799 2 deoot [oteod, otedo] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 dhlsy [lshdy, shldy] (2, 2)
0.01055799 2 dkoyy [ykody, okydy] (2, 2)
0.01055799 2 dtyy [dyty, tydy] (2, 2)
0.01055799 2 eeelos [oleees, loeees] (2, 2)
0.01055799 2 eeeloy [oleeey, eeeoly] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 eehkos [shkeeo, keesho] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 eeklos [olkees, lkeeos] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 eeloy [oleey, loeey] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 eeooqst [qoteeos, qotoees] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 ehloss [sheols, ssheol] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 ehoqsty [qoteshy, qotshey] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 ehrsy [rshey, sheyr] (2, 2)
0.01055799 2 ekooy [okoey, okeoy] (2, 2)
0.01055799 2 ekos [keos, okes] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 ekosy [okesy, ykeos] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 hlopsy [olpshy, polshy] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 hls [lsh, shl] (1, 3)
0.01055799 2 klooo [okolo, okool] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 koory [okory, yokor] (3, 1)
0.01055799 2 loorr [loror, rorol] (1, 3)
0.01055799 3 acdhiilno [chdolaiin, choldaiin, olchdaiin] (1, 1, 2)
0.01055799 3 acdhopr [cphodar, opchdar, pchodar] (1, 1, 2)
0.01055799 3 acehlor [chealor, olchear, cheoral] (1, 2, 1)
0.01055799 3 achkly [chkaly, alchky, ykchal] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 achopr [opchar, chopar, cphoar] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 adlloy [aloldy, olaldy, lodaly] (1, 2, 1)
0.01055799 3 adlsy [saldy, ydals, dalsy] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 aiinort [otairin, rotaiin, otariin] (1, 1, 2)
0.01055799 3 allot [lotal, talol, oltal] (1, 1, 2)
0.01055799 3 alory [loary, alory, oraly] (1, 1, 2)
0.01055799 3 ccdeehhpy [chepchedy, cheepchdy, checphedy] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 cceehhkoy [cheockhey, cheokchey, chokcheey] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 cdeehos [odchees, cheeods, dcheeos] (1, 1, 2)
0.01055799 3 cdehot [ctheod, otechd, tcheod] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 cdhloot [cthodol, otolchd, tchodol] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 cdhory [chordy, rchody, dorchy] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 cdhosy [chodys, schody, ydchos] (1, 2, 1)
0.01055799 3 cefhlo [cfheol, fcheol, olchef] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 cefhloy [chefoly, olfchey, folchey] (1, 2, 1)
0.01055799 3 cehkooy [okechoy, okochey, cheooky] (1, 2, 1)
0.01055799 3 cehlooty [otolchey, choteoly, otcheoly] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 cehoopr [cheopor, pcheoor, opcheor] (1, 1, 2)
0.01055799 3 cehoot [tocheo, etocho, otcheo] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 cfhoor [ocfhor, fochor, ofchor] (1, 1, 2)
0.01055799 3 chhloost [chotshol, shocthol, cthoshol] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 ddlo [dlod, dold, dodl] (1, 2, 1)
0.01055799 3 deehksy [dksheey, shekedy, shkeedy] (1, 2, 1)
0.01055799 3 deehos [sheedo, sheeod, dsheeo] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 dekosy [oksedy, sokedy, okesdy] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 eeehkosy [sheeoeky, shokeeey, sheokeey] (1, 1, 2)
0.01055799 3 eeloty [olteey, yteeol, otleey] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 ehlosty [oltshey, teolshy, tolshey] (2, 1, 1)
0.01055799 3 ehoost [otsheo, tosheo, shoteo] (1, 2, 1)
0.01055799 4 aadlor [daroal, oaldar, odalar, alodar] (1, 1, 1, 1)
0.01055799 4 ccdehhoty [chotchedy, chocthedy, chetchody, odchecthy] (1, 1, 1, 1)
0.01055799 4 ceehloty [oltcheey, olcheety, ytecheol, cheoltey] (1, 1, 1, 1)
0.01055799 4 ceehtyy [ytcheey, cheytey, chyteey, ycheety] (1, 1, 1, 1)
0.01055799 4 chosy [sochy, oschy, chosy, ychos] (1, 1, 1, 1)
0.01055799 4 deesy [ydees, desey, esedy, seedy] (1, 1, 1, 1)
0.01055799 4 ekloor [keolor, olkeor, okeorl, olekor] (1, 1, 1, 1)
0.013197487 2 aaiiln [aiinal, alaiin] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 aaklr [karal, alkar] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 acddehly [dchedaly, dalchedy] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 acdehor [cheodar, ochedar] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 achiinos [oschaiin, chosaiin] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 achinot [octhain, chotain] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 achkloy [chokaly, okalchy] (2, 3)
0.013197487 2 achor [choar, ochar] (3, 2)
0.013197487 2 adeeklo [okeedal, keeodal] (3, 2)
0.013197487 2 adeekly [ykeedal, alkeedy] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 adeiikno [keodaiin, okedaiin] (2, 3)
0.013197487 2 admor [rodam, darom] (2, 3)
0.013197487 2 adorr [daror, dorar] (3, 2)
0.013197487 2 aehkls [shekal, shkeal] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 aeiikno [okeaiin, oekaiin] (2, 3)
0.013197487 2 ahiikns [kshaiin, shkaiin] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 ahiinos [shoaiin, oshaiin] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 ahklos [shokal, okshal] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 aiiinor [aiiinro, oraiiin] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 aiinsy [ysaiin, saiiny] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 aiior [oaiir, oiair] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 aks [ska, kas] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 cchhklo [chkchol, chckhol] (3, 2)
0.013197487 2 cchhkloo [chockhol, chokchol] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 cdehkqy [qekchdy, qckhedy] (3, 2)
0.013197487 2 cdfhy [cfhdy, fchdy] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 cdhkoyy [ykchody, yckhody] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 cehlosy [olchesy, solchey] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 chls [lchs, chls] (2, 3)
0.013197487 2 chry [chry, rchy] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 cot [tco, cto] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 ddeehsy [deshedy, dsheedy] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 deeko [keeod, okeed] (2, 3)
0.013197487 2 dehklsy [lkshedy, lkeshdy] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 eeeoqty [qoeteey, qoteeey] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 eeklosy [ykeeols, solkeey] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 eko [keo, oke] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 hkoos [oksho, shoko] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 horst [tshor, shtor] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 hosy [ysho, shoy] (3, 2)
0.013197487 2 iinor [oriin, roiin] (1, 4)
0.013197487 2 kloqy [qolky, qokyl] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 kooy [okoy, ykoo] (4, 1)
0.013197487 2 oorty [otory, oytor] (4, 1)
0.013197487 3 aadlry [dalary, daraly, ydaral] (2, 2, 1)
0.013197487 3 acdhiinot [cthodaiin, tchodaiin, chtodaiin] (1, 3, 1)
0.013197487 3 acdhinop [pchodain, chopdain, opchdain] (3, 1, 1)
0.013197487 3 achkno [okchan, chokan, kchoan] (2, 2, 1)
0.013197487 3 adiinopy [ypodaiin, opydaiin, paiinody] (1, 3, 1)
0.013197487 3 adklooy [okodaly, yokalod, okalody] (1, 1, 3)
0.013197487 3 ccdehhpy [chcphedy, chepchdy, chpchedy] (3, 1, 1)
0.013197487 3 ccefhhy [chcfhey, checfhy, chefchy] (1, 1, 3)
0.013197487 3 cchhopty [pchocthy, cphocthy, pchotchy] (3, 1, 1)
0.013197487 3 cdeehkloy [olkeechdy, cheolkedy, cholkeedy] (1, 1, 3)
0.013197487 3 cdeehloy [olcheedy, dolcheey, cheeoldy] (3, 1, 1)
0.013197487 3 cdeehty [chetedy, techedy, yteched] (3, 1, 1)
0.013197487 3 cdehoopy [opcheody, pocheody, ocpheody] (3, 1, 1)
0.013197487 3 cdhlopy [polchdy, cpholdy, olpchdy] (2, 2, 1)
0.013197487 3 cdhoot [otchod, doctho, otchdo] (3, 1, 1)
0.013197487 3 cdhyy [ychdy, dychy, chydy] (2, 1, 2)
0.013197487 3 ceehkyy [ykeechy, ykechey, cheykey] (3, 1, 1)
0.013197487 3 cefhy [chefy, fchey, cfhey] (1, 2, 2)
0.013197487 3 cehhopsy [sheopchy, shopchey, sheocphy] (1, 2, 2)
0.013197487 3 cehhsy [shechy, shchey, cheshy] (2, 2, 1)
0.013197487 3 cehkos [okches, okechs, ckheos] (1, 1, 3)
0.013197487 3 cehops [cpheos, opches, pcheos] (1, 2, 2)
0.013197487 3 chlost [chtols, tchols, cthols] (1, 2, 2)
0.013197487 3 chors [chsor, schor, rchos] (1, 3, 1)
0.013197487 3 deehosy [osheedy, ysheeod, sheeody] (1, 1, 3)
0.013197487 3 deklooy [okeoldy, okeodly, olkeody] (2, 1, 2)
0.013197487 3 deoy [eody, oedy, odey] (2, 2, 1)
0.013197487 3 hkloos [shokol, kolsho, okshol] (3, 1, 1)
0.013197487 3 hloos [olsho, oshol, sholo] (3, 1, 1)
0.013197487 4 ailors [sairol, solair, losair, airols] (2, 1, 1, 1)
0.013197487 4 cddhoy [choddy, dchody, odchdy, chdody] (1, 2, 1, 1)
0.013197487 4 ceeehkloy [oleeckhey, olkeechey, cholkeeey, cheolkeey] (1, 1, 2, 1)
0.013197487 4 cehhosty [sheocthy, shocthey, shotchey, otechshy] (2, 1, 1, 1)
0.013197487 4 cehkoor [kocheor, chokeor, okcheor, cheokor] (1, 1, 2, 1)
0.013197487 4 deeeoy [oeedey, odeeey, oeeedy, eeeody] (1, 2, 1, 1)
0.013197487 4 dos [dso, dos, sod, ods] (1, 2, 1, 1)
0.013197487 4 eeosty [oteeys, yteeos, oteesy, otseey] (2, 1, 1, 1)
0.013197487 4 ehklos [lsheok, shkeol, ksheol, shekol] (1, 1, 2, 1)
0.013197487 5 acdhkly [alkchdy, kalchdy, kchaldy, dykchal, chykald] (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
0.013197487 5 cdeeehoty [otecheedy, deeocthey, oteedchey, toeeedchy, choeteedy] (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
0.013197487 5 cdeehoty [etcheody, otcheedy, otchedey, choteedy, otechedy] (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
0.015836984 2 aadiiln [aldaiin, dalaiin] (3, 3)
0.015836984 2 aalort [otalar, otaral] (3, 3)
0.015836984 2 acddhly [chdaldy, dalchdy] (1, 5)
0.015836984 2 acehint [tcheain, chetain] (1, 5)
0.015836984 2 acehpr [pchear, chepar] (2, 4)
0.015836984 2 achiinor [orchaiin, choraiin] (1, 5)
0.015836984 2 achly [alchy, chaly] (1, 5)
0.015836984 2 adiny [ydain, dainy] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 ads [dsa, das] (1, 5)
0.015836984 2 afor [foar, ofar] (2, 4)
0.015836984 2 ahkrs [shkar, kshar] (2, 4)
0.015836984 2 aiklnoq [qolkain, qoklain] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 alloy [aloly, olaly] (3, 3)
0.015836984 2 aorty [otary, ytoar] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 cdfhoy [ofchdy, ocfhdy] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 cdhotyy [otychdy, ytchody] (1, 5)
0.015836984 2 ceehopy [opcheey, cheoepy] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 cehhpsy [shecphy, shepchy] (3, 3)
0.015836984 2 chkos [ckhos, kchos] (3, 3)
0.015836984 2 cht [cth, tch] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 dhksy [kshdy, dkshy] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 dhlos [dshol, shdol] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 dosy [sody, odys] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 ehlloos [olsheol, sheolol] (4, 2)
0.015836984 2 ekooqs [qokeos, sqokeo] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 eost [teos, otes] (1, 5)
0.015836984 2 iilnoo [oloiin, oiinol] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 kllo [olkl, lkol] (1, 5)
0.015836984 2 lmo [lom, mol] (5, 1)
0.015836984 2 orsy [sory, rosy] (5, 1)
0.015836984 3 acdehiinop [pcheodaiin, cpheodaiin, opchedaiin] (1, 1, 4)
0.015836984 3 acdehry [dychear, ychedar, darchey] (1, 4, 1)
0.015836984 3 acdhlot [otchald, otchdal, cthodal] (1, 3, 2)
0.015836984 3 achllo [cholal, olchal, alchol] (4, 1, 1)
0.015836984 3 achlop [opchal, cphoal, ocphal] (3, 2, 1)
0.015836984 3 achlr [chalr, lchar, chlar] (1, 3, 2)
0.015836984 3 adeiinot [etodaiin, teodaiin, otedaiin] (1, 2, 3)
0.015836984 3 adkly [dalky, kaldy, ykald] (1, 4, 1)
0.015836984 3 adlot [todal, otald, otdal] (3, 2, 1)
0.015836984 3 aehlsy [shealy, alshey, ysheal] (1, 4, 1)
0.015836984 3 aeort [otear, eotar, teoar] (4, 1, 1)
0.015836984 3 ainos [soain, osain, saino] (1, 3, 2)
0.015836984 3 ccdhhoty [chotchdy, ychcthod, chcthody] (2, 1, 3)
0.015836984 3 cdeehopy [pcheeody, cpheeody, opcheedy] (2, 1, 3)
0.015836984 3 ceefhy [cheefy, cfheey, fcheey] (1, 1, 4)
0.015836984 3 cehhkosy [shokchey, shockhey, sheockhy] (1, 3, 2)
0.015836984 3 cehlos [lcheos, scheol, cheols] (1, 2, 3)
0.015836984 3 cehop [cpheo, cheop, pcheo] (2, 1, 3)
0.015836984 3 chllo [chlol, lchol, chllo] (1, 4, 1)
0.015836984 3 dhkosy [okshdy, shokyd, kshody] (1, 1, 4)
0.015836984 3 eeksy [keesy, skeey, ykees] (1, 1, 4)
0.015836984 3 eosty [yteos, sotey, oteys] (3, 2, 1)
0.015836984 3 hklos [kshol, shkol, lksho] (3, 2, 1)
0.015836984 3 hloost [oltsho, otshol, shotol] (1, 2, 3)
0.015836984 3 lory [lory, ylor, roly] (2, 1, 3)
0.015836984 3 losy [yols, olsy, soly] (1, 2, 3)
0.015836984 3 osy [osy, oys, soy] (1, 1, 4)
0.015836984 4 adkory [okardy, kodary, karody, ykodar] (2, 1, 2, 1)
0.015836984 4 aiilnos [losaiin, olsaiin, saloiin, solaiin] (1, 2, 1, 2)
0.015836984 4 allos [alols, solal, olals, salol] (2, 1, 1, 2)
0.015836984 4 aors [osar, soar, aros, saro] (2, 2, 1, 1)
0.015836984 4 ccdehhkoy [chckheody, cheockhdy, chokchedy, chockhedy] (2, 1, 2, 1)
0.015836984 4 ceehkloy [cholkeey, kolcheey, keolchey, olkeechy] (1, 1, 1, 3)
0.015836984 4 cehlopy [polchey, cheolpy, olpchey, pcheoly] (2, 1, 2, 1)
0.015836984 4 cfhoy [ofchy, chofy, cfhoy, fchoy] (3, 1, 1, 1)
0.015836984 4 chksy [kchsy, ykchs, chsky, ckshy] (1, 2, 2, 1)
0.015836984 4 deeeoty [todeeey, oteeedy, otedeey, teodeey] (1, 3, 1, 1)
0.015836984 4 dloor [dolor, oldor, orold, olord] (2, 2, 1, 1)
0.015836984 4 eehosy [shoeey, sheeoy, osheey, ysheeo] (1, 1, 2, 2)
0.015836984 6 acdhlor [chodalr, olchdar, chdalor, chdarol, dalchor, choldar] (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
0.018476482 2 acehly [alchey, chealy] (4, 3)
0.018476482 2 acehrt [cthear, chetar] (1, 6)
0.018476482 2 adelot [otedal, teodal] (4, 3)
0.018476482 2 adls [sdal, dals] (1, 6)
0.018476482 2 aekoqr [qokear, qoekar] (6, 1)
0.018476482 2 aiirs [raiis, saiir] (1, 6)
0.018476482 2 cdehkloy [olkchedy, kolchedy] (6, 1)
0.018476482 2 cdehl [lched, chedl] (6, 1)
0.018476482 2 cfhy [fchy, cfhy] (1, 6)
0.018476482 2 chhsy [shchy, chshy] (5, 2)
0.018476482 2 chloop [opchol, chopol] (6, 1)
0.018476482 2 choopr [opchor, pochor] (6, 1)
0.018476482 2 dehopsy [opshedy, psheody] (2, 5)
0.018476482 2 eekoos [okeeos, okesoe] (6, 1)
0.018476482 2 eklooy [okeoly, olkeoy] (6, 1)
0.018476482 2 hlost [shtol, tshol] (1, 6)
0.018476482 2 iikno [okiin, koiin] (2, 5)
0.018476482 2 klooy [okoly, oloky] (5, 2)
0.018476482 3 achkm [chkam, ckham, kcham] (3, 3, 1)
0.018476482 3 achlp [cphal, chpal, pchal] (2, 2, 3)
0.018476482 3 adiry [ydair, dyair, dairy] (2, 1, 4)
0.018476482 3 cdeehkoqy [qokechedy, qockheedy, qokcheedy] (4, 1, 2)
0.018476482 3 cdehor [dcheor, dchreo, chedor] (4, 1, 2)
0.018476482 3 cdhlooy [ocholdy, dolchoy, cholody] (1, 1, 5)
0.018476482 3 cdhsy [dchsy, chsdy, schdy] (1, 3, 3)
0.018476482 3 ceehpy [cpheey, pcheey, epchey] (2, 4, 1)
0.018476482 3 cefhoy [choefy, ofchey, ocfhey] (1, 5, 1)
0.018476482 3 cehkloo [okechol, chokeol, okcheol] (1, 5, 1)
0.018476482 3 dkyy [ykyd, dyky, ykdy] (1, 5, 1)
0.018476482 4 adiinor [ordaiin, doraiin, rodaiin, odariin] (2, 1, 3, 1)
0.018476482 4 ccdhhkoy [chockhdy, chckhody, dchokchy, chkchody] (2, 1, 3, 1)
0.018476482 4 cceehhty [checthey, cheecthy, chetechy, chetchey] (4, 1, 1, 1)
0.018476482 4 cehkor [kcheor, chekor, chkeor, ckheor] (4, 1, 1, 1)
0.018476482 4 cehost [ctheos, otches, otechs, tcheos] (1, 3, 1, 2)
0.018476482 4 chop [opch, chop, cpho, pcho] (1, 2, 2, 2)
0.018476482 4 deeety [deeety, teeedy, yteeed, eteedy] (1, 4, 1, 1)
0.018476482 4 eekosy [sokeey, okseey, ykeeos, okeesy] (2, 1, 3, 1)
0.018476482 4 kloor [korol, kolor, oklor, olkor] (1, 1, 1, 4)
0.018476482 6 chosty [octhys, sotchy, tochsy, otchsy, cthosy, ytchos] (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2)
0.018476482 7 adhlsy [shaldy, shydal, alshdy, shdaly, dalshy, dshaly, yshdal] (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
0.02111598 2 acdehlo [ochedal, cheodal] (1, 7)
0.02111598 2 acdhlo [chodal, olchad] (7, 1)
0.02111598 2 achiino [ochaiin, choaiin] (1, 7)
0.02111598 2 achry [chary, ychar] (6, 2)
0.02111598 2 adeklo [keodal, okedal] (1, 7)
0.02111598 2 adekor [okedar, keodar] (6, 2)
0.02111598 2 adiinop [podaiin, opdaiin] (5, 3)
0.02111598 2 adlmo [dalom, oldam] (2, 6)
0.02111598 2 ccdhhty [dchcthy, chcthdy] (1, 7)
0.02111598 2 cdehkyy [dchykey, ykchedy] (1, 7)
0.02111598 2 ceehos [cheeos, choees] (7, 1)
0.02111598 2 chlos [chols, schol] (3, 5)
0.02111598 2 ddoy [odyd, dody] (1, 7)
0.02111598 2 deekloqy [qekeoldy, qolkeedy] (1, 7)
0.02111598 2 oor [oor, oro] (3, 5)
0.02111598 3 acdhly [alchdy, chdaly, dalchy] (2, 3, 3)
0.02111598 3 achint [chtain, tchain, cthain] (3, 1, 4)
0.02111598 3 achll [chlal, alchl, lchal] (1, 1, 6)
0.02111598 3 achpr [chpar, cphar, pchar] (1, 4, 3)
0.02111598 3 adlr [dlar, ldar, dalr] (1, 5, 2)
0.02111598 3 alos [alos, salo, osal] (2, 2, 4)
0.02111598 3 alsy [alys, alsy, saly] (2, 1, 5)
0.02111598 3 ccehhpy [chepchy, chcphey, chpchey] (4, 3, 1)
0.02111598 3 cdhpyy [ypchdy, cphydy, dypchy] (6, 1, 1)
0.02111598 3 chkory [ckhory, ykchor, korchy] (1, 5, 2)
0.02111598 3 dlotyy [oltydy, dytoly, ytoldy] (2, 1, 5)
0.02111598 3 eloty [loety, oltey, yteol] (1, 1, 6)
0.02111598 3 looq [oqol, qool, olqo] (2, 5, 1)
0.02111598 4 alo [alo, ola, oal, aol] (3, 1, 3, 1)
0.02111598 4 ceehsy [scheey, cheesy, ychees, chesey] (2, 3, 2, 1)
0.02111598 4 cehloor [olcheor, cheolor, cheorol, orcheol] (3, 2, 2, 1)
0.02111598 4 chlopy [olcphy, pcholy, ypchol, polchy] (2, 2, 3, 1)
0.02111598 4 choost [tochso, otchos, soocth, octhos] (1, 4, 1, 2)
0.02111598 4 dory [ydor, rody, ordy, dory] (1, 2, 1, 4)
0.02111598 5 alort [otalr, tarol, talor, lotar, oltar] (1, 2, 1, 1, 3)
0.02111598 5 cdehooty [octheody, choteody, oteodchy, otcheody, otochedy] (2, 1, 1, 2, 2)
0.02111598 5 chkoty [chokyt, tchoky, tockhy, kotchy, kchoty] (1, 2, 3, 1, 1)
0.023755478 2 aadlm [dalam, aldam] (7, 2)
0.023755478 2 acehiikn [chkeaiin, chekaiin] (1, 8)
0.023755478 2 aikry [ykair, kairy] (8, 1)
0.023755478 2 as [as, sa] (5, 4)
0.023755478 2 cehkly [lkechy, lkchey] (1, 8)
0.023755478 2 cehopr [pcheor, cpheor] (5, 4)
0.023755478 2 cfhlo [cfhol, fchol] (6, 3)
0.023755478 2 chly [lchy, chly] (8, 1)
0.023755478 2 deeey [eeedy, deeey] (8, 1)
0.023755478 2 dhs [dsh, shd] (2, 7)
0.023755478 2 diior [oriid, doiir] (1, 8)
0.023755478 2 dklooy [okolyd, okoldy] (1, 8)
0.023755478 2 eehos [sheoe, sheeo] (1, 8)
0.023755478 2 ehkoqsy [qokeshy, qokshey] (1, 8)
0.023755478 2 hsty [tshy, shty] (5, 4)
0.023755478 2 ko [ko, ok] (2, 7)
0.023755478 3 aalrs [arals, saral, salar] (1, 6, 2)
0.023755478 3 acdehly [alchedy, ychedal, chedaly] (4, 2, 3)
0.023755478 3 achiinp [chpaiin, pchaiin, cphaiin] (1, 1, 7)
0.023755478 3 adloy [alody, daoly, odaly] (6, 1, 2)
0.023755478 3 aekor [okear, keoar, oekar] (7, 1, 1)
0.023755478 3 alors [sarol, olsar, soral] (4, 2, 3)
0.023755478 3 ccdehhty [checthdy, chcthedy, chetchdy] (1, 7, 1)
0.023755478 3 cchhopy [chocphy, cphochy, chopchy] (3, 1, 5)
0.023755478 3 cdehkooy [okcheody, chokeody, ockheody] (3, 5, 1)
0.023755478 3 dehksy [kshedy, dkshey, keshdy] (6, 2, 1)
0.023755478 3 dkloy [lkody, koldy, okyld] (1, 7, 1)
0.023755478 3 eeehksy [shekeey, sheekey, sheeeky] (6, 1, 2)
0.023755478 3 eehlosy [olsheey, sheeoly, sholeey] (7, 1, 1)
0.023755478 3 hlosy [sholy, yshol, olshy] (4, 2, 3)
0.023755478 3 horsy [orshy, shory, yshor] (1, 6, 2)
0.023755478 4 cdhkooy [okodchy, ockhody, chokody, okchody] (1, 2, 3, 3)
0.023755478 4 chlor [rchol, lchor, orchl, chlor] (1, 6, 1, 1)
0.023755478 5 akloor [okalor, okarol, olokar, okolar, okoral] (3, 2, 1, 2, 1)
0.023755478 5 cdhot [chtod, cthod, octhd, otchd, tchod] (1, 4, 1, 1, 2)
0.023755478 5 chost [cthos, chtos, otchs, tchos, chots] (1, 1, 2, 4, 1)
0.023755478 5 deloty [oltedy, yteold, tedyol, lteody, otedyl] (5, 1, 1, 1, 1)
0.023755478 6 achlor [lchoar, chalor, alchor, archol, olchar, cholar] (1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2)
0.026394974 2 acdhin [dchain, chdain] (1, 9)
0.026394974 2 adiinot [dtoaiin, todaiin] (1, 9)
0.026394974 2 aiiny [yaiin, aiiny] (6, 4)
0.026394974 2 cdehlopy [olpchedy, polchedy] (4, 6)
0.026394974 2 cehloop [opcheol, oepchol] (8, 2)
0.026394974 2 cehry [chery, rchey] (1, 9)
0.026394974 2 chr [rch, chr] (1, 9)
0.026394974 2 eeekloy [olkeeey, olekeey] (9, 1)
0.026394974 2 eeeos [oeees, eeeos] (9, 1)
0.026394974 2 eeos [oees, eeos] (9, 1)
0.026394974 2 koq [qko, qok] (1, 9)
0.026394974 3 acdehino [cheodain, ochedain, dcheoain] (8, 1, 1)
0.026394974 3 acehkr [ckhear, chekar, chkear] (1, 8, 1)
0.026394974 3 admo [damo, odam, amod] (3, 6, 1)
0.026394974 3 cddhy [dchdy, chddy, dchyd] (8, 1, 1)
0.026394974 3 cdefhoy [cfheody, ofchedy, fcheody] (1, 7, 2)
0.026394974 3 cdhko [ckhod, kchod, okchd] (1, 3, 6)
0.026394974 3 cehort [ctheor, chteor, tcheor] (6, 1, 3)
0.026394974 3 eehlsy [sheely, lsheey, sheeyl] (1, 8, 1)
0.026394974 3 eekor [okeer, keeor, rkeeo] (1, 8, 1)
0.026394974 3 ekory [okeyr, ykeor, okery] (1, 8, 1)
0.026394974 4 ceehhksy [sheekchy, sheeckhy, sheckhey, shekchey] (3, 2, 4, 1)
0.026394974 4 cehot [tcheo, cheot, otech, ctheo] (7, 1, 1, 1)
0.026394974 4 choor [choro, orcho, choor, ochor] (1, 1, 2, 6)
0.026394974 4 host [tsho, tosh, otsh, shot] (5, 1, 1, 3)
0.026394974 6 cdhkloy [chkoldy, dolkchy, kolchdy, olkchdy, oldckhy, ckholdy] (2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1)
0.026394974 6 cehloot [otcheol, otechol, cheotol, octhole, choteol, octheol] (1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2)
0.029034471 2 aaklor [okalar, okaral] (6, 5)
0.029034471 2 achiinot [chotaiin, otchaiin] (9, 2)
0.029034471 2 cdehtyy [ytchedy, chedyty] (10, 1)
0.029034471 2 chkoo [okcho, choko] (9, 2)
0.029034471 2 chkooq [qockho, qokcho] (1, 10)
0.029034471 2 eehss [shese, shees] (2, 9)
0.029034471 2 eekooqr [qokeeor, qoekeor] (10, 1)
0.029034471 2 hoss [shso, shos] (1, 10)
0.029034471 2 iiknoo [kooiin, okoiin] (2, 9)
0.029034471 2 kloq [qkol, qokl] (2, 9)
0.029034471 2 ls [ls, sl] (10, 1)
0.029034471 3 adkloy [daloky, olkady, okaldy] (1, 1, 9)
0.029034471 3 chloor [cholor, chorol, olchor] (5, 3, 3)
0.029034471 3 chmot [otchm, tchom, cthom] (1, 1, 9)
0.029034471 4 aadlr [aldar, arald, dalar, daral] (3, 1, 5, 2)
0.029034471 4 chloo [chool, olcho, cholo, ochol] (2, 1, 3, 5)
0.029034471 4 deeoy [eeody, doeey, oeedy, odeey] (1, 1, 7, 2)
0.029034471 4 dkoy [okyd, okdy, doky, kody] (2, 1, 1, 7)
0.029034471 5 adloty [todaly, ytodal, otydal, talody, otaldy] (1, 1, 1, 1, 7)
0.029034471 5 cdehhksy [ykcheshd, shkchedy, sheckhdy, shckhedy, dsheckhy] (1, 2, 1, 6, 1)
0.029034471 5 ceeehkoy [okecheey, cheoekey, cheokeey, chokeeey, choekeey] (1, 1, 5, 2, 2)
0.029034471 5 cehko [choek, kcheo, okche, ckheo, cheok] (1, 4, 1, 3, 2)
0.002267429 2 deeilnst [listened, enlisted] (9134, 9157)
0.0023270557 2 aelp [leap, plea] (9731, 9041)
0.0023856908 2 acder [cedar, raced] (9259, 9986)
0.002436392 2 einsw [swine, wines] (9323, 10331)
0.002439615 2 adehrt [hatred, thread] (10372, 9308)
0.0025694056 2 deopt [opted, depot] (9896, 10831)
0.0026151484 2 acert [trace, react] (10365, 10731)
0.002686428 2 einoprt [pointer, protein] (8713, 12958)
0.0028152266 2 cino [icon, coin] (11291, 11419)
0.0028505565 2 deeerrsv [reserved, reversed] (13205, 9790)
0.002938199 2 cinos [sonic, coins] (9622, 14080)
0.0029538185 2 abest [beats, beast] (11138, 12690)
0.002969934 2 ahsw [wash, shaw] (13615, 10343)
0.0030146851 2 aeeilnpst [palestine, penalties] (8731, 15588)
0.0030626592 2 dmoo [mood, doom] (15909, 8797)
0.0031443515 2 ceeipr [recipe, pierce] (11157, 14208)
0.0031467068 2 acilopt [capitol, optical] (15074, 10310)
0.0031993918 2 aeinrrt [trainer, terrain] (13859, 11950)
0.0032183581 2 elno [lone, leon] (15974, 9988)
0.0032420354 2 bgilnow [blowing, bowling] (9810, 16343)
0.0032431511 2 ac [ac, ca] (11215, 14947)
0.00326782 2 adlnor [ronald, arnold] (12079, 14282)
0.0033181494 2 anps [span, snap] (15278, 11489)
0.0033314135 2 eeiklmorst [kilometers, kilometres] (12662, 14212)
0.0034326923 2 ails [sail, lisa] (9575, 18116)
0.0035244257 2 apr [par, rap] (19408, 9023)
0.003541533 2 acinotu [caution, auction] (10174, 18395)
0.003561367 2 acdeelr [declare, cleared] (9751, 18978)
0.003561615 2 aderrst [starred, traders] (14585, 14146)
0.0036281839 2 deirw [wider, weird] (17064, 12204)
0.0036912814 2 adeils [sailed, ladies] (12860, 16917)
0.003745206 3 aegilnrt [relating, integral, triangle] (10618, 10499, 9095)
0.0037818993 2 adelst [slated, lasted] (8871, 21637)
0.0038194605 2 aefrs [safer, fears] (10563, 20248)
0.0038829301 2 achins [chains, chinas] (11904, 19419)
0.003912062 2 deinsty [destiny, density] (9634, 21924)
0.003920739 2 aehrst [hearts, earths] (21436, 10192)
0.0039757793 2 iv [vi, iv] (10032, 22040)
0.003996977 2 acders [sacred, scared] (17701, 14542)
0.0040133405 2 bcs [bcs, cbs] (9811, 22564)
0.0041420152 2 acemnor [romance, cameron] (12339, 21074)
0.0041446188 2 ehir [hire, heir] (23352, 10082)
0.0041650725 2 ps [ps, sp] (18150, 15449)
0.004167304 2 aeimn [maine, anime] (16569, 17048)
0.0042620124 2 aeft [fate, feat] (24816, 9565)
0.0042959787 2 ailrst [trials, trails] (20037, 14618)
0.0043068877 2 deeirsv [diverse, revised] (19502, 15241)
0.0043929187 2 emst [mets, stem] (21699, 13738)
0.004419323 2 illt [till, itll] (22148, 13502)
0.004420811 2 aeeegnrt [generate, teenager] (23058, 12604)
0.004429984 2 aegr [rage, gear] (10783, 24953)
0.00448614 2 adelt [delta, dealt] (18285, 17904)
0.004564485 2 eehrs [sheer, heres] (9456, 27365)
0.004739647 2 deer [deer, reed] (19521, 18713)
0.0047790674 2 eiimnoprss [impression, permission] (17575, 20977)
0.004814769 2 bdenru [burned, burden] (22499, 16341)
0.0048205955 2 ahlls [shall, halls] (25144, 13743)
0.0048409253 2 boost [boots, boost] (11300, 27751)
0.0048658424 2 efils [flies, files] (11789, 27463)
0.0049441876 2 cdeinortu [introduce, reduction] (16396, 23488)
0.0049576997 2 apt [pat, tap] (25753, 14240)
0.005022781 2 efghirt [freight, fighter] (9478, 31040)
0.0050449707 3 cdeersu [rescued, reduces, secured] (13188, 9383, 18126)
0.005112035 2 deistu [suited, duties] (11431, 29807)
0.005133853 2 adm [mad, dam] (21915, 19499)
0.0051554227 2 aejn [jean, jane] (21268, 20320)
0.0052138097 2 aabdor [abroad, aboard] (24832, 17227)
0.0052213715 2 aenrrw [warren, warner] (22109, 20011)
0.00524666 2 ipt [pit, tip] (21609, 20715)
0.005433598 2 agp [gap, pga] (31674, 12158)
0.005454672 2 ainrst [strain, trains] (12705, 31297)
0.005493845 2 abelst [tables, stable] (18523, 25795)
0.005500167 2 bsuy [buys, busy] (8911, 35458)
0.00552434 3 aelnps [panels, planes, naples] (14077, 19600, 10887)
0.0055623967 2 rs [rs, sr] (26698, 18173)
0.0056925593 2 copr [corp, crop] (29288, 16633)
0.0058206143 2 deeginrs [designer, resigned] (19604, 27350)
0.005884952 3 aelms [salem, males, meals] (9992, 20087, 17394)
0.005943215 2 aegln [angle, angel] (20810, 27133)
0.005988338 2 eekn [knee, keen] (35304, 13003)
0.0059932964 2 epstu [upset, setup] (34623, 13724)
0.006001974 2 akprs [parks, spark] (38645, 9772)
0.0060173455 2 acp [cap, pac] (35458, 13083)
0.006082799 2 ap [pa, ap] (18650, 30419)
0.0060965586 2 gnsu [guns, sung] (38516, 10664)
0.006164863 2 ikns [sink, skin] (10697, 39034)
0.006212961 2 aemrsst [streams, masters] (10824, 39295)
0.0062357704 2 eeirsvw [viewers, reviews] (24370, 25933)
0.0062596956 2 ceenrst [centers, centres] (37920, 12576)
0.006267505 2 eemrst [metres, meters] (23177, 27382)
0.00636804 2 ghilst [slight, lights] (15085, 36285)
0.0064498563 2 eginrs [singer, resign] (39095, 12935)
0.0065226234 2 aeln [lean, lane] (9188, 43429)
0.0065393588 2 elosv [loves, solve] (29706, 23046)
0.006543821 2 iklls [kills, skill] (26336, 26452)
0.0066752234 2 eorrst [roster, resort] (26780, 27068)
0.006703983 2 iprst [strip, trips] (27436, 26644)
0.0067827003 2 ailnp [plain, palin] (24521, 30194)
0.0067950967 2 ginsw [swing, wings] (24745, 30070)
0.006824476 2 ceeilns [license, silence] (40080, 14972)
0.0068388563 2 aceinnoorstv [conservation, conversation] (21910, 33258)
0.006849641 2 ads [ads, sad] (23966, 31289)
0.0069897207 2 eisvw [wives, views] (9950, 46435)
0.0070451326 2 agry [gary, gray] (31390, 25442)
0.0071245935 2 aber [bear, bare] (48268, 9205)
0.0071594277 2 eilnst [silent, listen] (20382, 37372)
0.0073052095 2 nov [nov, von] (35000, 23930)
0.0073983064 2 irs [sri, sir] (18668, 41013)
0.0074072317 2 loop [loop, pool] (16342, 43411)
0.007503676 3 demo [mode, dome, demo] (40057, 10679, 9795)
0.0075817737 2 el [el, le] (34700, 26461)
0.0076304916 2 coprs [crops, corps] (16431, 45123)
0.007690986 2 aailmn [animal, manila] (51199, 10843)
0.00775991 2 flow [wolf, flow] (18157, 44441)
0.00781495 2 eirst [tries, tires] (52477, 10565)
0.007843586 2 hrtu [ruth, hurt] (10809, 52464)
0.007847553 2 ggiinns [singing, signing] (35911, 27394)
0.008069573 2 adesty [stayed, steady] (43017, 22079)
0.008102671 2 ad [ad, da] (48401, 16962)
0.008113332 2 acginr [caring, racing] (11523, 53926)
0.008136761 2 adenrw [warned, andrew] (22646, 42992)
0.008165273 2 acep [pace, cape] (39099, 26769)
0.008176926 2 amnor [manor, roman] (9299, 56663)
0.008179901 2 aceln [lance, clean] (10575, 55411)
0.008377624 2 aiprs [paris, pairs] (55891, 11690)
0.008378367 2 cddeeirt [directed, credited] (46765, 20822)
0.008450515 2 aekw [wake, weak] (32404, 35765)
0.008463035 2 eghhit [eighth, height] (36954, 31316)
0.008579189 2 ceorst [escort, sector] (9482, 59725)
0.008681088 2 eeerrsv [reserve, reverse] (49079, 20950)
0.0088260025 2 cd [cd, dc] (30586, 40612)
0.009016163 2 abn [nba, ban] (41907, 30825)
0.009037733 3 amr [arm, ram, mar] (49781, 12905, 10220)
0.009123888 2 deir [reid, ride] (17359, 56242)
0.009136656 2 aesst [asset, seats] (21451, 52253)
0.009202357 2 acelnru [unclear, nuclear] (17933, 56301)
0.009243637 2 bsu [bus, usb] (65318, 9249)
0.0092820665 2 nosw [snow, owns] (46046, 28831)
0.0092952065 2 aelnp [plane, panel] (44532, 30451)
0.009478302 2 aefr [fare, fear] (12151, 64309)
0.009498012 2 ckrstu [struck, trucks] (55373, 21246)
0.009565572 2 oprst [ports, sport] (14081, 63083)
0.009637471 2 aelm [meal, male] (22638, 55106)
0.009776187 2 aeemnsttt [statement, testament] (67973, 10890)
0.009780402 2 aels [sale, seal] (62004, 16893)
0.009790195 2 ceir [eric, rice] (41687, 37289)
0.009884656 2 aceinort [reaction, creation] (36455, 43283)
0.009916267 2 ehors [horse, shore] (50021, 29972)
0.0099617615 3 opsst [spots, stops, posts] (29358, 27919, 23083)
0.00996796 2 adrw [draw, ward] (51608, 28802)
0.009984075 2 ceersu [secure, rescue] (37226, 43314)
0.009998951 2 aeilrs [serial, israel] (12988, 67672)
0.010002174 2 dgos [gods, dogs] (31390, 49296)
0.010217624 2 aerr [rear, rare] (33886, 48538)
0.010312209 2 ainr [rain, iran] (44077, 39110)
0.010504973 2 begins [begins, beings] (69860, 14882)
0.010516997 2 eforst [forest, foster] (60125, 24714)
0.0105572855 2 nor [nor, ron] (58552, 26612)
0.01057588 2 adeelrt [related, altered] (73225, 12089)
0.010735175 2 eirsst [resist, sister] (9938, 76661)
0.0108274035 2 aemrst [stream, master] (24397, 62946)
0.010831743 2 aeegr [eager, agree] (14966, 72412)
0.010835833 2 adegnr [garden, danger] (56076, 31335)
0.010873146 2 aehps [phase, shape] (38065, 49647)
0.010997979 2 hosst [hosts, shots] (28333, 60386)
0.011057357 3 amrs [rams, mars, arms] (16979, 14601, 57618)
0.011109422 3 deit [tide, tied, diet] (13499, 56544, 19575)
0.011161983 2 adels [leads, deals] (55761, 34281)
0.011294625 2 aegllry [largely, gallery] (61385, 29727)
0.011617056 2 eersv [serve, verse] (84355, 9358)
0.011694037 2 ceorssu [courses, sources] (34535, 59799)
0.011698004 2 eghhist [highest, heights] (73993, 20373)
0.011723045 2 aeiprst [pirates, parties] (23579, 70989)
0.01177511 2 aeenrst [eastern, nearest] (85926, 9062)
0.011918536 3 aet [tea, ate, eat] (35514, 9248, 51383)
0.011946429 2 ademr [dream, armed] (53273, 43097)
0.012028865 2 ghotu [tough, ought] (85385, 11650)
0.0120929545 2 aerst [tears, rates] (19070, 78482)
0.012096302 2 ddeein [indeed, denied] (62792, 34787)
0.012146383 2 aeehrtt [theatre, theater] (55525, 42458)
0.012249645 2 eginstt [testing, setting] (41115, 57701)
0.012400634 2 abinr [brian, brain] (54032, 46002)
0.012404972 2 ceinost [notices, section] (9085, 90984)
0.012503771 2 elos [sole, lose] (18350, 82516)
0.012570836 2 deilv [devil, lived] (13308, 88099)
0.012720709 2 aeht [heat, hate] (67041, 35575)
0.012746741 2 ikrs [kris, risk] (8809, 94017)
0.0128436815 2 di [di, id] (14126, 89482)
0.012899093 2 ceeilnost [selection, elections] (39623, 64432)
0.013222639 2 enot [note, tone] (82426, 24239)
0.013297638 4 acers [cares, races, scare, acres] (13790, 50860, 8820, 33800)
0.013322183 2 adeis [aside, ideas] (43421, 64047)
0.013495485 2 blow [bowl, blow] (81594, 27272)
0.013629118 2 eortu [route, outer] (93782, 16162)
0.013781718 2 ailrt [trail, trial] (42865, 68310)
0.014624551 2 gins [sign, sing] (93345, 24629)
0.014699549 2 abet [beat, beta] (107477, 11102)
0.014705747 2 enost [notes, stone] (59214, 59415)
0.014850785 2 add [add, dad] (85813, 33986)
0.015191687 2 adeelrs [dealers, leaders] (13995, 108554)
0.015252553 2 acesu [cause, sauce] (108928, 14112)
0.015571389 2 aeimnrs [marines, remains] (13895, 111717)
0.015735023 2 adip [paid, ipad] (112384, 14548)
0.015786963 3 acst [cast, cats, acts] (61118, 21596, 44637)
0.015818326 2 dens [ends, send] (60699, 66905)
0.016274761 2 adhns [hands, ndash] (105716, 25570)
0.016423767 2 aeimnr [remain, marine] (95819, 36669)
0.01673876 2 enos [nose, ones] (22179, 112850)
0.016831608 2 acnnot [cannot, canton] (125488, 10290)
0.016927186 2 abekr [break, baker] (112224, 24325)
0.0172485 2 below [elbow, below] (9887, 129254)
0.017401721 2 eilms [miles, smile] (119506, 20871)
0.017915057 2 dorsw [sword, words] (23301, 121217)
0.017950758 2 aegnr [range, anger] (122672, 22134)
0.018099267 2 adert [rated, trade] (16994, 129010)
0.018143894 2 aert [tear, rate] (11805, 134559)
0.018302444 3 epst [pets, sept, step] (11239, 44416, 91988)
0.018398393 2 deirt [tried, tired] (122188, 26229)
0.018501159 2 adeelr [leader, dealer] (136528, 12718)
0.018508721 2 gnorw [grown, wrong] (43195, 106112)
0.018682146 2 eginor [ignore, region] (16955, 133751)
0.018998006 2 aegst [gates, stage] (25937, 127317)
0.019047717 2 ent [ten, net] (93849, 59806)
0.019103006 2 hortw [throw, worth] (60824, 93277)
0.019539358 2 hstu [shut, thus] (38962, 118659)
0.0196482 3 ader [read, dear, dare] (134900, 14401, 9198)
0.020113561 2 al [la, al] (94429, 67824)
0.020315498 2 eiqtu [quite, quiet] (132891, 30991)
0.020330125 2 ceeptx [expect, except] (86435, 77565)
0.02060954 2 achin [chain, china] (36447, 129807)
0.020651689 2 diks [disk, kids] (13404, 153190)
0.020705242 2 eenstv [steven, events] (20046, 146980)
0.020713424 2 adegiln [dealing, leading] (32930, 134162)
0.021877075 2 eegnr [green, genre] (159122, 17357)
0.022506442 2 eortw [wrote, tower] (136664, 44892)
0.022516854 2 act [act, cat] (152775, 28865)
0.02254673 2 aekst [stake, takes] (20704, 161177)
0.022653587 2 acef [face, cafe] (171685, 11058)
0.022852922 2 aestx [taxes, texas] (68603, 115748)
0.023030935 2 eoprrt [report, porter] (175403, 10384)
0.023036389 4 enst [tens, nets, nest, sent] (13276, 9762, 9990, 152803)
0.023373447 2 dr [rd, dr] (57402, 131148)
0.023885915 2 cdeirt [direct, credit] (71284, 121400)
0.023902154 2 eefl [feel, flee] (182277, 10538)
0.02411872 2 adeim [media, aimed] (171384, 23178)
0.024367515 2 dgo [god, dog] (126202, 70367)
0.025242828 2 acdeilm [medical, claimed] (133531, 70099)
0.026225615 2 aehrt [earth, heart] (92180, 119378)
0.026418008 2 der [red, der] (199940, 13170)
0.026813205 2 eist [site, ties] (190348, 25950)
0.026860436 2 de [de, ed] (178861, 37818)
0.026937418 2 arst [star, arts] (130779, 86521)
0.027543603 2 enrrtu [turner, return] (20228, 201962)
0.028717294 2 air [ira, air] (8871, 222787)
0.028903985 2 degins [design, signed] (139274, 93890)
0.029251704 2 acr [arc, car] (14445, 221524)
doranchak > 30-06-2020, 11:29 AM
nablator > 30-06-2020, 12:22 PM
(30-06-2020, 11:29 AM)doranchak Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.The anagrams are just vords with edit distance of zero.
doranchak > 30-06-2020, 01:29 PM
(30-06-2020, 12:22 PM)nablator Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Not in the case of the most usual edit distance metric (Levenshtein distance). It counts single-character edits: insertions, deletions or substitutions. Maybe some other type of edit distance or simply: apply any flavor of edit distance on sorted characters.
bi3mw > 30-06-2020, 01:59 PM
First Word: ol
Second Word: lo
The matrix:
0: 0 1 2
1: 1 1 1
2: 2 1 2
The edit distance is: 2
The alignment:
doranchak > 30-06-2020, 03:45 PM
bi3mw > 30-06-2020, 04:13 PM
(30-06-2020, 03:45 PM)doranchak Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Voynichese still dominates all other languages, based on how many anagram groups are found.
The next highest in the list are Hebrew, Persian and Arabic.
Quote:The language of the manuscript is most likely Hebrew, with the individual words being anagrams with missing vowels.
doranchak > 30-06-2020, 04:30 PM
(30-06-2020, 04:13 PM)bi3mw Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Maybe they only came up with Hebrew because it simply has the most anagrams after the VMS