The Sticks and Bumps on the rosettes folio
-JKP- > 10-10-2019, 09:19 AM
I've suggested some of the bumpy things on the rosettes folio could be volcanoes, mud spouts, steam vents, and other geological structures.
But some of them look man-made rather than natural...
And maybe some of the "natural" looking ones are manmade.
For example... the production of gunpowder used to be done in small ceramic kegs, hung from the ceiling, but you need charcoal, and for centuries, charcoal for various purposes has been burned under mounds, some of which are tiered layers. Maybe some of those strange steaming mounds on the rosettes folio are charcoal mounds:
Often the mound was created with logs and sticks (the part that burns), with pats of mud blobbed onto the sticks. These look quite a bit like the vented blobby small mounds on the rosettes folio. Here is a woodcut of charcoal workers:
Pounding the powder used to be done by rows of men, but they eventually engineered a wheel to pound the powder.
Also, there are a lot of skinny vertical "sticks" around one of the rota that look to me like palisades around a town (or like spears stuck in the ground, all pointing up) next to a lot of rounded textures:
At first I thought they might be a palisade:
But here's another thought... bumps and spears in a different context (the group on the left, with helmets and spears, shields and spears can look like that, as well):
Pipes, wheels, bumps, vertical-pointing sticks...