RE: Remove.
VViews > 06-03-2018, 02:07 AM
Hi Bluetoes101,
I'm just now able to join the discussion here, and sorry to see things have taken such a regrettable turn.
I don't know what you originally posted, but frankly I don't understand Emma May Smith's reaction here.
There have been some threads where certain posters have really tried the patience of forum members, so perhaps that is what has made Emma May Smith weary, but I don't think it is fair.
There are new people coming to Voynich research every day, they may not know everything about the manuscript before they post here, and there is nothing wrong with that.
I do not believe this is an "elite" forum for "experts" only... Should we just ban new members outright, until they present credentials? Davidsch once came up with a checklist to verify if one qualifies as an expert... I'm not sure there would be many members left on the forum if his checklist was an admission criteria.
I hope we can make new members feel welcome here, and that this can continue to be a space where people can ask questions, present impressions, etc.
If they are wrong about things and we can correct them (or want to take the time to), then so be it, and of course there will be disagreements... but there is no need to shun people right off the bat like that.