I guess there's a triangle on f72v1, so I examined it more closely. At first, I thought it might be the pointer of a volvelle, but there were two problems: First, the position is not in the center of the circle (clearly to the right of it). Second, there are no obvious clues for the number and positions of additonal pointers in the large outer circle.
Here's a (of course speculative) thought experiment:
Assuming that it makes sense to divide the inner circle into segments, one would most likely divide them into 12 equal parts. In fact, the triangle could be an hint that a division into 13 segments should be made. This is easy to be done by transferring the line segment AB. Then you can produce up to 12 more triangles.
All steps are traceable on a drawing board ( or with drawing programs ).
I don't know whether a division into 13 segments makes sense or not. For example, one could speculate that certain stars can only be marked this way. Then you would have number and position of other pointers. What do you think ?