RE: f65R any identifications?
-JKP- > 18-12-2019, 10:39 PM
Filipendula is in many of the medieval herbals and the leaves are variable, depending on the species. Some are frondy, some are more palmate and the leaves are quite variable in the medieval botanical drawings, as well. What they all have in common is knobby roots.
Some of the star-flowered Saxifrages might also qualify for 65v, but I think Filipendula is one of the best choices. There are many common names for the Filipendulae (Bridewort, Dropwort, Meadwort, Meadowsweet, Queen of the meadow, Mjødurt, [font=Helvetica]Knoldet Mjødurt, Skoangervo, Brudbröd,Oinanthe, [/font]etc.) but the medieval herbals usually label it Filipendula.
It's in the Circa Instans family of herbals, also Morgan M.873, BnF Latin 6823, Historia Planatarum, Belluno, Masson 116, and Cadamosto 1108.
I have images of all these, but I don't have time to upload screensnaps right now, I'm very busy with work, but it's very easy to find Filipendula in herbals.