Torsten > 17-09-2017, 10:53 PM
(17-09-2017, 10:15 PM)davidjackson Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Quote:For instance the [q]-glyph is in 99,5% the first glyph in a glyph group and is followed in 97 % by an [o]-glyph.
OK, the first part of the statement doesn't make sense because 99,5% of words in the corpus aren't [q] AFAIK.
davidjackson > 17-09-2017, 11:23 PM
Torsten > 18-09-2017, 01:13 AM
MarcoP > 18-09-2017, 09:50 AM
(17-09-2017, 09:53 PM)Anton Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Quote:For this reason the second order entropy for the VMS is lower then in other European languages.
To be strict, to this one should get a reply that the 2nd order entropy for the VMS is not actually the 2nd order entropy. In the first place - because we don't know the actual alphabet behind the observed script. I did not succeed, nonetheless, in "normalizing" h2 by way of decomposing or aggregating EVA symbols (I did not do plenty of checks, just a few most evidently suggestive). The other way, nonetheless, is the possible "expansion" of glyphs (say, such as o) into several underlay letters (say, Latin ab). This is something that is virtually impossible to machine-check due to the huge amount of possibilities. But that is something which moves us from the plain language to cipher.
Davidsch > 18-09-2017, 11:03 AM
Anton > 18-09-2017, 02:37 PM
Quote:if I understand correctly "expansion" will only increase entropy if it maps to different sequences. If you always replace, say o with [ab] the result will be even lower entropy (e.g. all low-entropy qo- sequences will be converted in even lower entropy qab- sequences). Is it so?
do with this posting what you want if you simply reply what do you mean i do not understand you i will not respond because then you did not read it well enough
dxz with this pxzsting what yxzu want if yxzu simply reply what dxz yxzu mean i dxz nxzt understand yxzu i will nxzt respxznd because then yxzu did nxzt read it well enxzugh
dxz witxd txdis pxzsting wxdat yxzu want if yxzu simply reply wxdat dxz yxzu mean i dxz nxzt understand yxzu i will nxzt respxznd because txden yxzu did nxzt read it well enxzugxd
Quote:The other point that is unclear to me is why you say that this "moves us from the plain language to cipher". For instance, in Latin abbreviation, it was common to have symbols that expanded into more than one syllable. In the attached verse (from the bottom of You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.), a “crossed p” is used for both “par” and “per”. Is it really necessary to think of a cipher to consider similar possibilities? Could we maybe say that this "moves us from a plain phonetic script to some kind of abbreviation"?
Koen G > 18-09-2017, 02:44 PM
ReneZ > 18-09-2017, 03:05 PM
Anton > 18-09-2017, 03:09 PM