(28-07-2017, 10:38 AM)Koen Gh. Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Thanks, Marco! It is certainly valuable to extend the amount of examples in this thread. So it looks like the blob is usually Earth, at least in the clearest example (Harley). Would this be some wind-inspired representation as well?
It seems that a lobed "flower" at the center of a diagram is not significant of anything in particular (the various examples above are rather different in meaning of the overall diagram and number of lobes / shape of the central object).
If the "flower" in the Harley diagram is in any way meaningful and not simply decorative, its four lobes could possibly hint to the four elements that typically appear at the center of circular geocentric illustrations of the universe. Unluckily, I didn't take note of the source of that illustration.
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Login to view. there is a diagram which I think is from the same Harley ms. The four-lobed rosette is still different. The diagram illustrates several sets of four-fold entities, but most prominently the winds. The other entities are the cardinal directions, elements, seasons, humors, ages of man.