Please, now... everyone stay CALM.
As Marco will know, I expect, there is astronomical imagery within the medieval paintings set on card, as well as in contemporary paintings on walls or in manuscripts.
Now, for various reasons, not least then-current fashions, we also find images relating to those put on card in other media. It is mainly studies of those other media which have produced the more scholarly books and papers.
But to consider paintings put on card, as on paper, during the fourteenth- or fifteenth- century is not an outrageous thing to do, even if the pictures were used for playing games, or .. whatever. Even prognostication.
One of the picture-cycles which has shown some clear iconographic links to images on cards (not only the shorter, tarot deck but the larger tarocchi) are those in the Shifanoia at Ferrara. And the d'Este were the ruling family there.
Another - which Aby Warburg spoke about in about 1912 - is in the old Meeting Hall in Padua. Often distinguished by being called 'il Salone'.
Which is a pretty long introduction to a picture of a lobster.