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Full Version: Names of the divine beings of 82r
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The image at the bottom of page 82r consists of three groups of nymphs representing characters from Greek mythology: two representations of You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view., each accompanied by a small nymph, and the group of three Charites or Graces.
The nymphs in the left and right groups have individual labels, the middle group of two nymphs has a single label.

Except the first label on the left «sororl» which could be Latin, the other four can be understood using the Greek dictionary.
The label for the first Aphrodite on the left, EVA, would be Ανανη of ανανεω – come to the surface or of ανανεομαι – mount up – Aphrodite rising from the sea.
The label of middle Aphrodite, sokoly EVA, would be Ζωναια, epithet of Aphrodite, celestial goddess, member of ζωναῖοι, an order of divine beings managing the different zones of the Universe.
The labels of three Charites would be:
  • dolol – tola for θαλεια – rich, plentiful
  • ol.aiin– awn for Αως – dawn, light of day,
  • okeear–oneiar for ονειαρ – food, victuals.
The meaning of these labels corresponds well, in my opinion, to the meaning of the names of three Charites: θαλεια, Euphrosyne and Αγλαια. 
The nymph Tola (Taula?), the oldest, would be θαλεια; the middle, youngest nymph, Aws (Awn) would be Aglaia- brightness, and the nymph on the right, Oniar, would be Euphrosyne- good food.

Could these labels help us to identify the language of the text, in your opinion?
Does the label sororl apply to the nymph to the left of Aphrodite or should we read the three labels together: sororl Anani Zonaia? 
In this case I am tempted to read sororl as a Latin word: sisters Anani and Zonaia.
It is not really a surprise to find a Latin term if we consider that the labels of two openings, darol and darary, are also in Latin, tera and terarum for terra and terrarum. The label terra would denote the opening leading to the earth and terrarum - the opening leading from the earth to the heavens.
If the label on the left, terra/darol, refers to the opening to the earth, why is the column of water or steam ascending? Similarly the label on the right, terrarum/darary, would designate the opening leading from the earth to another place, why is the water column descending?
Should we understand that the green pool or the green meadow with the nymphs is not the earth? Where is the earth in this picture?
(12-12-2022, 09:42 AM)Ruby Novacna Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.If the label on the left, terra/darol, refers to the opening to the earth, why is the column of water or steam ascending? Similarly the label on the right, terrarum/darary, would designate the opening leading from the earth to another place, why is the water column descending?
Should we understand that the green pool or the green meadow with the nymphs is not the earth? Where is the earth in this picture?

[Image: 6a00e54efdd2b38834017c34099e91970b-500wi]

Why do you see the left as ascending and the right as descending? 

I see all the shown items as water; green, blue, the tubes and wavy lines. The land is the negative space around all of it.
Looking at the two "waterfalls", I find that the one on You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.t is ascending and the one on You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. is descending.
Up the left and down the right.
Would make perfect sense.
Just imagine that this round, sinuous edge of the liquid is symbolic of boiling water. Somehow it looks bubbling.
Assuming that we also see the nymphs in the different months, and that the whole thing is a pharmacopoeia, it could be the boiling of plants where an extract of the substances is explained.
In my interpretation all the waters flow into the sea, except the one on the bottom left (large left Nymph) which is hard to make out as such, but which flows south to the next sea. They are not waterfalls, but rivers and bosphori. Their motifs say things about how the water travels on its way to the sea but generally they are neither scaled nor oriented in line with reality but act as mnemonics for filling in details of the land around the water.

The Aphrodites, as you have identified them, seem acceptable to me, as it appears that cults were located in the vicinity. They would have come from the south. 

This article was interesting, especially the lack of Aquarius and Libra in the zodiac, not a perfect match with the vms, but nevertheless intriguing.

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Along similar lines is this one insofar as divine beings

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(13-12-2022, 08:53 AM)Aga Tentakulus Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Up the left and down the right.
Would make perfect sense.
Just imagine that this round, sinuous edge of the liquid is symbolic of boiling water. Somehow it looks bubbling.
This is a good idea. Perhaps it is distillation. 
What confuses me is the meaning of the labels, as I understand it.
(14-12-2022, 05:16 AM)Linda Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.In my interpretation all the waters flow into the sea, except the one on the bottom left (large left Nymph) which is hard to make out as such, but which flows south to the next sea. They are not waterfalls, but rivers and bosphori.
What would be therefore the meaning of two labels of these two waterfalls/rivers?
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