The Voynich Ninja

Full Version: Sidereal connections: feminine
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In looking for masculine connections to the stars, it was found that there are only a few stars [Castor, Pollux, Arcturus, Antares] that are named for 'characters' that are male. So, all the rest of the star personifications in the VMs illustrations should be female, right, because that is what the VMs depicts.

So, who are these stellar nymphs in each of the VMs Zodiac houses? Are there a lot of stars that are named after any female 'characters?' For starters, there are the Pleiades, the 'Seven Sisters' asterism. They are "portrayed" as women. But there seems to be an absence of other, stellar examples named for females. Are there other examples?

The nymphs of the VMs zodiac sequence, if they have no individual identity, they are all generic 'stellas.' And if they are not generic, how are they identified? By their hats, by their clothing, by their tubs, not by their appearance.
(27-04-2022, 08:03 PM)R. Sale Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to are they identified? By their hats, by their clothing, by their tubs...
I think Diane had tried to identify some stars or constellations, I can't remember.