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Voynich text generator - Torsten - 25-02-2016


I have published the app "VoynichTextGenerator" for iOS. The App is available via the Apple app store (see You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.).

The app illustrates my hypothesis about the Voynich manuscript. With this app it is possible to generate text with features similar to that of the VMS.

The text generation algorithm works in two main steps. The first step is to choose a source word and the second step is to modify the selected word.

There are three different ways for modifying a source word.

The first method is to replace a ligature or glyph with a similar one. I will demonstrate this with 'chol' as example. The word 'chol' consists of a ligature 'ch' and a ligature 'ol'. It is possible to modify both ligatures. By changing 'ch' into 'sh', a new word 'shol' would be generated and by changing 'ol' into 'or' a new word 'chor' would be generated. It is also possible to change both ligatures at the same time to generate words like 'shor' or 'shal'.

The second modifying method is to add a prefix like 'l', 'o', 'd', 'ch' or 'q'. For adding a prefix in front of another prefix some special rules exist: If for instance a prefix 'l' or 'o' is added in front of the glyphs 'ch' or 'd', these glyphs in seven out of ten cases change into a gallow glyph. This way a prefix 'o' added to a source word 'chol' would result in words like 'okol', 'otol' or 'ochol'.

The third method is to combine two short words for generating a new word. For instance 'chol' could be combined with 'daiin' to generate a word 'cholkaiin' or 'choldaiin'. For glyph sequences containing only two glyphs it is also possible to combine the sequence with itself. For instance it is possible to combine two 'ol' words in order to generate a self-similar word 'olol'.

Torsten Timm
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RE: Voynich text generator - Emma May Smith - 25-02-2016

Hi Torsten, although an app is an ingenious way of publicizing a theory, I don't see what it can add to the theory's strength. You've hardcoded word generation rules into your app, specifying valid and invalid words, which the writer would have had in their head. But without explaining why such rules exist you're merely describing a finite set of words rather than truly generating them.

RE: Voynich text generator - Torsten - 26-02-2016

Hello Emma,

please download the app. The app also contains a short intro and you can search for similar words within the VMS.

The purpose of the app is to demonstrate that with the Auto Copying Hypothesis it is possible to generate a text with features similar to that of the VMS. After I have published the source code you can judge about the hardcoded word generation rules.

For the explanation why the rules exist see my paper "How the Voynich Manuscript was created" (see You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.).
There are two main reasons. First, in the VMS similar spelled types co-occur (see You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.: p. 3-5) or the paper of Montemurro and Zanette [You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.]. Second, they occur with similar frequency whereas words, which contain less frequent bigrams, also occur less frequently (see the grid You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. p. 66 - 82). With other words similar words are related to each other.

RE: Voynich text generator - Emma May Smith - 26-02-2016

Hi Torsten, I don't have an iphone, so I can't download it.

However, I have read your work and it's not an hypothesis. You have only described what is happening in the text and not explained it--you yourself corrected me that your "rules" were actually a description. They cannot be used to generate the text, only describe what the writer himself was doing. I then asked you about the rigid structure of Voynich words and its origin, and your reply was that it was whatever the writer wished to do. You need to explain the word structure with reference to something more solid than that.

RE: Voynich text generator - Torsten - 26-02-2016

Hi Emma,

did you really argue that it is forbidden to generate the text the same way as the scribe was generating the text of the VMS?

Anyway, if it is possible to generate a text like that of the VMS by copying and modifying words already written we have a possible text generation method for the VMS.

> I then asked you about the rigid structure of Voynich words and its origin, and your reply was that it was whatever the writer wished to do.
Nope. This was the answer to your question "Given his supposed freedom to alter words, why did he not take it?"
The answer to your question about the rigid word structure was that because of the limitations of the copying process all the words in the VMS are more or less similar to the most frequent word 'daiin'.

RE: Voynich text generator - Wladimir D - 26-02-2016

I think we should consider generator of the words, starting with each (single) symbol. But allow for meaningful understanding of all combinations of characters is not enough of the human brain.
Remember the prophet Enoch. He was taken by aliens, him have trained tongue, that he became a translator and mentor for earthlings.
Why is manuscript (copy) can not be his memories of the vegetation on the other planets in alien language?

RE: Voynich text generator - Sam G - 27-02-2016

Here's some generated text from the app.  The first line is actually from the VMS, and the rest is automatically generated.

My initial impression is that there are far too many words beginning with <e>, also words beginning <i> which never or almost never actually occur, along with too many unusual words and a lack of common words like <chedy> and <shedy> (for a B language section).

initial line <f79v.P.21> (Currier B)

dShey qokal Sheedy Sheky orain otShdy dain cTher aror tShey ykeey ra*kain oroiiin
oraiin oral oralkoral or okeeo olor Sheedy eedy okol key Sheky orain oraiiin ey

kalaiiin eey dain ey olaiin eo eeo eey oryiiin eo eotey olaiiin aldan olaiiin or yiiin ey eeo qoain oryir leo ey Sheky yeo aldar eky tShdy eo ol aiiin okol araiin chy ey or aiiin eol Shdy chdy eko Shey eey eeoeey ar aiin cheko olyiir eol ol Shdy chdachdy ey lchy dair aoryir ol iin alaiin ir lchy iiin chey qoain cThes oraiin ar daiin im oloiir in rchy ir qoyir
kSheko cKhes qodaiin pey oyir eepo cKheed ochdy paiin yr oraiin eky daiin eeoeey al oyiin chdy araiin eedy eoey n lcho ar ekoraiin eoey cThecThes ychdy eedy eey Shdy aim oraiin qoyr archy chky chorain leeo loyir oloiin chdy ys oyiiin Sheches
paldaiiin al kaiin chefy chorain ar saiin oryiin alaeey
yey araiiin eokey olaiiin chorain olaiin saiin eeo achy
oroin aldas r dain dachdy yiiinyiiin alaiin dain chdair Sheeches Sheecher sain eches oyn echees araiin eo eeo or seeoraiin iin eeoeey or aiiin ol sain dan

kShety daiin chaldain chko ar eoey oryiin or ar saiin ar Sheto chety ol eoeo aroiin eyey eoey daiiin daiir olor rar chetSheto chety eoey ar oiin yiin eShees aiir ar aim dadaiir cheey chety chdachdy rasaiir aroiin oroiin san oryiir eches aroiin eoey oey ety iin
kan peoey oroiiin oryiiin ar daiin fchdy chorain al ar eShees oryin oryiin iir Shko qodaiin olyiin Shorain or lchy Shorain oryin ror iir orain raiin aryiin ran

[font=EVA]toryiiin cheo oloiiin chpy eoyir alaiiin eety cKhy dan
Shky adaiin ol oiiin ar chky eoyiin loyShky or eety ches sa*kain oloSheto rain arar al alaiin saiin olyiin olyin
chko daiin oraiin yiin ol orar ar alasaiin oloin raiin
ykeo adair yiiinyiiin oiin ykey eeo cKhed Sheey yoiin ky olaiin chorasaiin or ykey cheeo chko yoir cheo ar eeto o oryiin sair qo Shey olain Shky or
polair eey oyir eey cheko alacho epo echeer pain eo cheo oldaiin Sheo aracho yoiiin Shky ol yiin aryir cheo cKhed oldain iiryiin saiir arar ar olShky chko olyir oloir on
eto oran eko chko daiin Sheky Shky olShky Sheo chees chy olchky daiin chky yiiin olar or ol Shko olchky dain ches olyiin oiiin achy yn oShky or Shky araiin eSheer oloir
oryir ol ar
fSheepo char ol cPhes oar al daiiin raiin chpy eeoyir eo cheko al chol olchky olyin qochky eko ol Shky yiin oroim cheky alaiin acho chorain ol al sain rain eSheer eeoyim cheeky charain ched
porair charain eko chky or choraol or yiiin aroiiin aeo cheeky oyin aldaiin cKhorain or Sharaiin rain yeo Shdy cKheed eto yrchy cKhes ar aeo alsaiin oyiin ches oey ymg cKhorain ol chaldain ol eecheko eey rchy rayeo aryiiin ocheky adaol ar yiiin ar arar or cholaim
keky dan alsaiin epo eky Shepo daiin eeoeey Shko tan cho leky cKhalain al daiin or oyn ar alsain iin ol yiin qo
rar Shko cholaiin cKheed eeSheko cholain oloin ras cheky dain aror al cholaiin oroiin eecheko chedy sayeo qooiin okoldoiiin eechedy Sho charaiin ar oyir olyiir al sain
oches chky dain Sholdaiin olaiin eeSheto ol 

faiin ycKhdy oror dar cheer charaiin chety oiiin or daim ocheed ycKhaiin qokey rar charain ar charachety yiin amg dacheo qodaiin daiin qokeey charaiin oror oron chky ryim ycharain ar achy charaiin chdaim Shky aror ar eko daiin oShalain eety an
[font=EVA][font=EVA]pSheeko ar oiiin taiin eeo oaiin aiiraiin echees dachpo oaiin eShchr ryim aroin ykeey Shalain qodain eoey ar an oeealain qodair eo charaiir odan yaiin ran al okeeo aety yaiin qodaiin oir leo charaiin ol oryiiin qodaiin cheo aiirain yr charaiir cKharaiiir choldaiin aiinain alal eo ochees dachky eeoiiin alyin charaim
poyiin Shar ches eeoyiin cPhalaiiir al ky cholaim al aim ocheer ochees olsaiin ey arain olain aryiin cholaim ol arain cheer daiin ley lchy cKhalaiiir chalaiin chalaiin ykeeo cholsaiin aryiin Sheo or chaldaiiir Sholdaiin or okeedaiin Shches ety al saiir ty
paryn rachpy ey or leo arair ley eey dain aryn or aroir cKharair ol rachty chorain or o cKharair ol oiiin aron aryr cKholair olol olyiin cholaiin ol rain rain okeo an oleo Sheky oleSheky aror oiiinoiiin yiiinoiiin oiiinoim
oryiin chal eeoiiin ley olol ol ey scho oyodan iiinoim iinoin Shal aim
kalyiin oryiin iinoin oin ol Shey ShalpShal Shpy eeopeey iinoin saiiin leey ar alShal olaiin Sheey aiin alShky am cheky Shcho ryim oloin chdy al eear chalaiin ain daim ar olyin eo cKholaim
poryn efo chefo epo epy Sheer echees chalchal saiin dan leeykey eey eety roin araiiin cheeky cheeko chalair eey alyir sair chetchey raiin orair eeky cheeko 

poloiin chetchey ys san eeoeey olaiin eepo lepy olyin am yaleo raiin eeoeey qos saiin Shees olaiin chky eeoeeo ag raiin saiin yaleeo soin ran saiin daiin cheky cholaiin ochko syin aShes

kain Shkar ol chto dain sachty chdapchdy eefo oraiin py Sheky oiin yiin daiin dain yShko yShdy oShko daches oyim san dan aSher lokol syiin adan oiiin eShees cKholdair ay syaShes saiin syaShes ychko syin daiir syin char or pcheky olpol oir chefy dar ol syin oyiin eety dar echean sar oiin Sheeky ychar charair chko oiiin qochko cheo dar Shky soin oloiin cheko soiin syin qosaiin charachto yim Shpy dar lcheky dain Sheko al ycKho rar oiin ochko Shy Shko daiin oiin daiin aryiin dan lkan yiin yiin das

pSheey ag kan y eeocho chpo cThes oShdy Shty daiin raim ochto chdar chko yiin qod aryiiin lkar cheko ykeey chko ychty aryiin ochto chty charaiiir aryiiin eky chorair ar Shko qosaiin olyiin dain charaim
[font=EVA][font=EVA][font=EVA]toShy oor Shpy olyiiin ey oiin olyiin charaim ol eypey
eko cKhy cheky saiin Sheeo ley cKholdoin cheeko Shko ay cheeko qosaiin cheko daiin eo ley leo cheeky charaim sar yras cheko ar cKhcheky oras cheeko olaiin cheko ar aim cheko oeSheeo eeky cKhcheko loiin sydaiir cheko eecheky sydaiin aroiiin 

RE: Voynich text generator - -Job- - 27-02-2016

I would recommend publishing a browser based app instead, it's more accessible. I don't have an iOS device so i can't really comment.

In any case, it's difficult to quantify the accuracy of a word generator for Voynichese. Maybe consider extracting the rules in your source code into a grammar?

RE: Voynich text generator - Torsten - 27-02-2016

@Sam: The VMS is not so homogeneous as you suggest. With pages in Currier A in mind the pages in Currier B would also look strange.
Or see for instance the distribution of words like 'qokeedy', 'qoteedy', 'qokedy' and 'qoteedy' within the stars section:
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Even there the text is different for each page.

René Zandbergen has given a set of features on his website (see You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.):
- The first character of each paragraph is one of a very small subset of characters.
- The first character of each line does not have the same frequency distribution as the rest of the text.
- With very few exceptions, the characters p and f only occur in the top lines of paragraphs.
- The second order character entropy is anomalously low.
- Words in the MS tend to follow certain word patterns, i.e. there are some weak positional rules, and fairly strong rules about character combinations.
- There are almost no repeating phrases.

With my app I only want to demonstrate that it is possible to generate a text with such features with a algorithm simulating my auto copy hypotheses. The main problem was to model human ingenuity in to the algorithm and to keep the algorithm as simple as possible. Therefore the algorithm only produces a pseudo text with features similar to the VMS. If I would generate the same text as in the VMS Emma would be right with her objection that my algorithm only reproduces the movements of the scribe.

@Job: I will publish the source code for my App. You can find a flowchart for the text generator here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.

RE: Voynich text generator - -JKP- - 27-02-2016

I would be interested in seeing the software, but I don't have an iPhone.

I think it's a worthwhile project. The VMS text follows some patterns not seen in natural languages (it also has some natural language patterns but whether these are due to the underlying content or imposed on the script by design is hard to tell) and I agree that there is a preponderance of certain patterns (e.g., too many EVA-y at the the ends of words) to generate natural language UNLESS some of the characters are nulls, markers or modifiers. Generating these patterns could offer some insight into its structure.

When people first see it, they always want to read the VMS vowels as vowels, but they may not be. They may be a form of marker or misdirection (or they may be consonants). Or, as in old Latin text, some glyphs, like the "o", might serve two purposes (a letter and as abbreviation or marker, depending on context). if you were to change all the vowels to something that looks more like a consonant, most people's perceptions of the text would dramatically change and, additionally, it might be easier to see that the spaces between "words" may also need to be re-evaluated. There is a high preponderance of short words (contrary to what many people have said, there are many very short "words" in the VMS).

Another characteristic of the VMS that argues against natural languages is the odd behavior near the beginnings and ends of lines. There is no language that I know of that has rules about how you may use characters near the beginnings and ends of lines, especially considering that many sentences will continue on to the next line. In natural languages, the line itself is not the same unit as a "thought" (a sentence) and is rarely treated this way except perhaps in poetry/song lyrics or charts.