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Vampires in the Voynich manuscript - Printable Version

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Hidden cartoon in the Voynich manuscript - Tabaziclon - 12-12-2019

In this video I will show you a hidden cartoon when you overlay 2 pictures. This is 10 videos.
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Vampires in the Voynich manuscript - Tabaziclon - 12-12-2019

If you include titles in the video, the English translation will appear. Here is the entire text of the video in English.
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<!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0cm; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:612.0pt 792.0pt; margin:2.0cm 42.5pt 2.0cm 3.0cm; mso-header-margin:36.0pt; mso-footer-margin:36.0pt; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} -->
Voynich manuscript. Nobody knows what kind of book it is, and it is written in an incomprehensible language, which initially frightens off, but at the same time attracts with unknown pictures. Just visually the book is divided into several sections: section of plants, section of astronomy, alchemy and other things.

Actually the book implies a number of surprises:

First: the language. Many equate it with the Turkic languages, but I read it in the sparse Russian language of magicians, sorcerers and priests. Further in the film I will read aloud 4 pages from the manuscript.

Second: the pictures of plants. Many also believe that if the book includes pictures of plants and words below them, this entails stories about plants. They do not guess in this case again. These pages tell us about people watch over vampires. For those who now want to switch off this video and write that this is nonsense on page 115 there is the Picture with a ritual dance and on the contour of the circle it is written as follows: “Образ для повторения: морока заговора, против опровержения дозора лет” [The way to repeat: hussle of incantation, against refutation of the watch of years].

Inside it is told how to dance, make “Fire collection”. Поворот [Turn], and other things.

The picture includes signs: Поворот, правая рука, огнесбор, разогрев [Turn, right hand, fire collection, warming,]

There is a small cloud in the middle of the picture:

Огнесбор, право, ворожба, оторопела

[Fire collection, right, sorcery, perplexed]
That is the book itself says: “I know that you do not believe in vampires, in order for you to believe, here is the ritual, to remove hassle in mind.”

<!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0cm; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:612.0pt 792.0pt; margin:2.0cm 42.5pt 2.0cm 3.0cm; mso-header-margin:36.0pt; mso-footer-margin:36.0pt; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> Now we can proceed to the text:
The first paragraph of the first page:

“Разум- Правда - правд советов победоносного Бога давать науку, предоставив правдорубам постижение побед над пороком парадоксов банд, определённого по правилам оправдания бандитов, нарушать заповедь дворянства.”

[Mind- Truth – of truth of councils of the victorious God to give science, having provided truth seekers with pleasure of victories over the vice of paradoxes of bands defined according to the rules of justification of bandits consisting in the breach the commandment of nobility.]


2nd paragraph:

Повод Богов радовать” [Reason to make the Gods glad], and after one symbol and the 2 letters are painted over, as well as the edge of the book, that is why I can not read this paragraph completely, also because at the end of the translation it is said о дозоре взора или дозоре слова [about watch of look or watch of word]. In order to determine whether it is written “Word” or “Look”, it is necessary to look for continuation further in the text.


The next pararaph tells us about the ritual of “Пированн” [Pirovann] or “Пирования” [Pirovaniya]. Here I am not sure about the translation either, so I omit this paragraph too.


Translation from the second page. First picture with leaves.

1st paragraph:

“Порода сговоров охватила стародавних праотцев яростно вести кровопролитную войну по повиновению наипростого закона стоять стеной (/тайной/) радости Бога.”

[The kind of collusions made the ancient forefathers fight a bloody war for obeying the simplest law of standing up (/being a secret/) of the God’s joy.]

2nd paragraph:

“Порой, довод равенства сил, прямо противоположно став несовершенством сговоров, породивший  сияние не до проявляемого благородства предков, попросту стал постом. Неистово стаи бандитов протестовали нападкам бесов престарелого праотца, посоветовавшего равенство.”

[At times, the argument of equality of forces, exactly the opposite having become the imperfection of collusions, generated shining not up to appearing nobleness of ancestors, simply became a post. The packs of bandits furiously protested against the attacks of demons of the aged forefather who advised equality.]


3rd page 2nd flower:

«Поводом Богов Ваш образ богат всегда восходом знаний над пороком парадоксов от святотатства. Поведение ваше, словно в просторах сковано. Стоя(ит) вам нечаянно оправдать  ваших врагов, опоясав бесов в ад постов, да бандитствовать».

[By reason of the Gods Your image is always rich in rising of knowledge over the vice of paradoxes from sacrilege. Your conduct, as if bound in spaces. Should you undeliberately justify your enemies, having encircled the demons in the hell of posts, and be bandits.]


Further there is explanation, what be bandits means (the same page):

«Поровну стала радость, повадки охватившие Богов повседневного похода на вампиров, обосновано сговорами праотцев банд, шаек, держать власть веков, сопровождая дозор просторов поровну. Стаи банд старославаков подряд радостно стояли стеной/(тайно).

[Equally the joy, habits that spread among the Gods of the daily campaign against the vampires, caused by collusions of the forefathers of the bands, gangs, began to hold power of centuries, following the watch of spaces equally. Packs of bands of old Slavacks in succession joyfully stood by/(secretly).]


3rd flower

 По одному устав оправданно сторожить нечисть, настоя на вечерних нападках банд, просто став «Вече сговора славянских банд» по простору слов сковано.

[One by one having got tired with reasonably watching evil spirits, getting the evening attacks of bands, simply become “Assembly of collusion of Slavic bands” bound in spaces of words.]


Поверженное страдание достойных борцов старцев, всесторонне  перерастало в настоящий подвиг старославенских страстей, сторожил(ов) коридора выхода.

[Depressed suffering of worthy elderly fighters comprehensively grew into a real feat of old Slavenic passions, old inhabitants of the exit corridor.]

In addition, I would like to show you a scheme of alchemy and show you some elements:

<!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0cm; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:595.3pt 841.9pt; margin:2.0cm 42.5pt 2.0cm 3.0cm; mso-header-margin:35.4pt; mso-footer-margin:35.4pt; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> The rightmost one includes the inscription: “Оксид омония” [Ammonium oxide] or “ОМОНА” [OMONA]

The fifth woman from her is “водород” [hydrogen], The fourth on the right side – “соляная сода” [salt soda], further – угар Серы [charcoal of Sulfur] – the second on the right side


Page 119

Picture of a woman holding her belly, below a pot and 2 potatoes inscription above:


Нарисовано Бон Аппетит” [Drawn Bon Appetit] or “нарисовано под Аппендицит” [drawn under Appendicitis]


I believe more in the first interpretation rather than about appendicitis.

As a conclusion I can say that this book is a protagonist, which includes various rituals, for removal of “viruses” from the brain.  Most likely, there is also a book which put these “viruses” in mind.

Translation of the Voynich manuscript: Pavel Konnov

Cartoon about vampires-aliens in the Voynich manuscript - Tabaziclon - 12-12-2019

The video is clear without translation
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RE: Vampires in the Voynich manuscript - davidjackson - 12-12-2019

Hello Tabaziclon and welcome to the forums.
Can I please ask you to keep your theory posts together in one thread where they will be more accessible for other readers, rather than opening new threads for each idea. Please also post in English.
Apart from that, please read the rules, respect other forum users and above all, enjoy yourself chatting to us all!

RE: Vampires in the Voynich manuscript - Tabaziclon - 12-12-2019

[quote = "davidjackson" pid = '33203' dateline = '1576176616']
Привет Табазиклон и добро пожаловать на форумы.
Могу ли я попросить вас сохранить ваши теоретические посты вместе в одной теме, где они будут более доступны для других читателей, а не открывать новые темы для каждой идеи. Пожалуйста, также пост на английском языке.
Кроме того, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с правилами, уважайте других пользователей форума и, прежде всего, наслаждайтесь общением со всеми нами!
[/ Цитата]
Извините, я не знаю английский, поэтому пользуюсь электронным переводчиком, мне трудно разобраться с форумом поэтому в начале у меня будут ошибки при создании тем, в дальнейшем я научусь работать с вашим сайтом и не буду совершать эти ошибки 

RE: Vampires in the Voynich manuscript - davidjackson - 12-12-2019

Tabaziclon, please post in English as per forum rules.

RE: Vampires in the Voynich manuscript - -JKP- - 12-12-2019

Well, it's entertaining.

I see this as "cloud pictures" (looking at clouds or dirt or craggy rocks and finding shapes in them).

RE: Vampires in the Voynich manuscript - Tabaziclon - 13-12-2019

(12-12-2019, 08:03 PM)davidjackson Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Tabaziclon, please post in English as per forum rules.
I not know English, so'm using electronic translator, me it is difficult deal with forum so in the early I have will mistakes under creating those, in further I will learn to work with your site and not d to commit these mistakes. [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]My browser translates the text in advance before sending it to you, and what I send in English, it sends to you in Russian.[/font]

RE: Vampires in the Voynich manuscript - Paris - 13-12-2019

Hi Tabaziclon,

Welcome on this forum.

Don't worry about mistakes.

I'm French and my english-writing is far to be perfect.
But I'm more or less understood by other people of this forum.

No one will blame you if you make mistakes. All members on this forum are tolerant.

Be sure that I understand better your english than your russian writing. Spassibo.

RE: Vampires in the Voynich manuscript - Aga Tentakulus - 27-12-2019

Vampires in the VM, hahahaha.......

.........Yes !

Doctor van Helga with wooden stake