The Voynich Ninja

Full Version: Paradigm hunters
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Hey, I'm all for constructive discussions. I'm even in favor of constructive investigations. The whole problem is that so much of the investigation of VMs illustrations is based on appearance - the interpretation of appearance, the comparison of appearance. And it seems pretty much a given fact in many instances, that some people are going to go one way on a particular comparison and others will go in another. How can this sort of dichotomy be avoided, if the intent of the VMs author is to actually communicate.

Instead of investigations based on appearance, a different method of investigation needs to be be applied. One in which the content illustrated in the VMs is not compared, but rather analyzed and quantified - in the very simplest of terms. This changes the comparison from visual to ideological and simply numerical. The twins of VMs Gemini do not look identical, but they are still a pair. And the two goats of the VMs Aries pages, despite their obvious visual differences, are clearly a pair as well. The operating paradigm is no longer simply visual. The paradigm is no longer qualitative; it is quantitative. It is binary. It is the presence of pairing at the start of the VMs Zodiac. And rather than being a complex and elegant sort of paradigm, pairing is one of the simplest and most basic of patterns. And it doesn't require a lot of discussion. Pairing either exists or it does not. And the difference from other paradigm proposals is that pairing does exist in these VMs pages because it was put there in the construction of these illustrations.

Any steganographers might want to try a little trick. Lay a sheet of blank paper over You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. and cut out little holes so you can just see the two blue-striped patterns in the upper left part of that page. It's another pairing, not necessarily identical in appearance, but paired none the less. Hidden, yet paired by their historical grounding. Paired in the origins of a religious tradition. Confirmed repeatedly within the illustrations themselves, perhaps best, for an investigator well-acquainted with obscure heraldic furs.

How does an investigation proceed when the signs provided by old traditions are not understood?