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Full Version: The Rosettes Page - March 2024
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(12-04-2024, 06:06 PM)R. Sale Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.What do you have to say about the VMs cosmos? Without the planetary spheres and the heavenly realms, the VMs cosmos is clearly not up to either the scientific or religious standards of other cosmic diagrams before 1450.

Which pages do you include as "cosmos"?
The cosmos (f68v3) is part of the cosmic section of the VMs.
f67r1 - Probably the Sun with 12 divisions of the year. The 12 divisions could be the 12 calendar months, the typical 12 (12.38) lunar cycles of a year, the 12 traditional Zodiac signs, or something else.

f67r2 - The year with 12 divisions. The 12 divisions could be the 12 calendar months, the typical 12 (12.38) lunar cycles of a year, the 12 traditional Zodiac signs, or something else.

f67v2 - Some type of cycle with four divisions. What the 4 divisions are is not clear. Could be the four seasons, the four elements, the four cardinal directions, or something else.

f67v1 - The Sun (representing Heaven) with pre-Ensouled souls sorted by unknown categories.

f68r1, f68r2, f68r3 - Assigning a pre-Ensouled soul to a father.

f68v3, f68v2, f68v1 - Pre-Ensouled souls sorted by social class; Nobles, Commoners, Clergy.

f69r, f69v, f70r1, f70r2 - Ensouled soul in the womb.

f70v2 through You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. - Traditional Zodiac signs with nymphs.

Quire 13 - Pregnancy

f85r2 - Life
f86v4 - Death

the Rosettes page:

center circle: Heaven with the light of God powering the universe

center top: Element Air
center left: Element Fire
center right: Element Water
center bottom: Element Earth

top right: Nobles
bottom left: Clergy
bottom right: Commoners

f86v3 - Comments on the male/female relationship
I have my own ideas on the Rosette page similar to but nowhere near identical to anyone else’s. The one thing I think should be asked of everyone generating ideas on the details of the page is what is its purpose or function in context with what you think the purpose of the VMS is as a whole. You’ve studied many of the details:what are your hypothesis and associated research questions? Even in the humanities, we have this process!

For instance, I believe,as do many others, that the VMS is most likely a pharmaceutical, so I’ll use this as an example.  If so, what would this page, almost triple the size,intricately detailed, and meant to be seen or studied in toto, most likely be contributing to the work as a whole?  The most obvious,is that it provides an overall rationale for how and why its remedies work.Perhaps It’s an index that names the various parts of the work, and the processes between thm Perhaps a worldview, that illustrates the deeper processes, including spiritual ones,that make these remedies effective. Moreover, perhaps it’s a mnemonic crib to help memorize a complicated system For my part,I hypothesize it’s all of these and more. 

I wasn’t able to attend the Zoom today but I’m looking forward to Michelle and Charles’ presentation in video, thanks to Koen. I hope they address the importance of the Rosette to the other parts of the text.
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