The Voynich Ninja

Full Version: I heard somewhere what the f68 spiral is, does anyone know?
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I believe that both the spiral of f68 and the Armenian spiral is a way of representing the movement of the sphere. It is important from the point of view of the history of science, more than of art, because it seems to indicate the power of spheres to move by themselves, something that was established in the fourteenth century by the works of authors such as Buridan or Oresmes.

I see.. I understand your opinion.
but why did  the VM artists bother to hide it?

excellent!! the undulations of VM and the undulations of BNF are same number!!
and the both have TO map and star field!

that mean... The VM artists may have imitated the BNF, or similar to what was depicted in the BNF that existed at the time.
but I'm curious why 43 is 43...
43 were properly  drawn..?

> Antonio

thank you for explain (∩´∀`)∩

really?? I want to look the illustrations.
do you have those photo?
Why, indeed? Motivation is often difficult to discover. Instead of 'why', look at 'how'. How are things hidden in plain sight? There clearly is an element of intent as this is not the only example that uses the tricks of disguise and deception.

For me, the structural similarities of the three cosmic illustrations indicate that they share the same knowledge base, a particular person or small group familiar with this information that came from Paris in the first half of the 15th Century.
Same time as the VMs C-14 results.

The 43 undulations have something to do with some obscure lunar cycle. I've forgotten the name, but it was part of ninja discussion some years back. Despite intentional VMs ambiguity, this provides an independent verification of the connection between VMs and BNF.

The cosmic boundary of the Harley cosmos is a 'plain' line. No confirmation there. The independent verification of connection between VMs and Harley comes from the illustrations of the mermaids.
I see.. thank you for explain(*- -)(*_ _)ペコリ

I'm glad I got to know VM and the medieval world view (∩´∀`)∩
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