The Voynich Ninja

Full Version: The last page 116v, 10 years of silence...
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For years (10 years) I have been reserving an idea about the last page, because I did not know where to publish it, and if anyone would be interested.

It can be clearly seen that the writing changes radically on this page and that the scribe has difficulty writing, even if one downloads a quality pdf with good quality (once I downloaded one of more than 100 mb but it no longer exists anywhere) You can see that on this page there are many red stains, it would seem that they are bloodstains, and that the scribe was injured and had to leave his work unfinished... That is what I believe, anios, and I would like to know What is your opinion.

With all due respect, and I'm glad I came to this site.

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Does blood age this kind of red? I'd rather expect it to be something like a dye stain or candle wax.
Easy to test with a wet Haemastix test strip. Ot immunoblot to a PVDF membrane and probe with antibodies.
But I suspect it's just water damage causing the ink to run.
I think we're looking at a couple of different stains here
The one at the top is probably linked to the stain that goes across several earlier pages, ieĀ 102r, 102v, 103r, 103v and 104r. That's probably a wine stain.
The brighter red stains are unique in their colours I think; it's possible that they're produced from contact with the Marci letter seal in some way? Blood would have lost its colour.
If it is from theĀ Marci letter, then it indicates the story of how Wilfred found it is wrong. I always understood he found it hidden in the binding, but this would suggest it was on the back page.
I suspect that the Marci letter may have moved around a bit over the centuries.

For a while, I suspected the stains on f102v1 (which seeped through to f103) to be caused by the wax seal on Marci's letter, but Paula Zyats considered that this is more likely to be candle wax from a late night (or early morning) reader.

The stains on the inside front cover, which fit rather well with the letter, are also a bit mysterious, because, when Voynich got the MS, this was closed by a paper pastedown. So either the stains leaked through that (which I think is very unlikely), or they postdate Voynich's removal of the pastedown, or the Jesuits actually put the letter inside the cover as part of the filling.

We don't even know if the wax seals on the letter were added by Marci, or later by the Jesuits, with the function of 'glue'. I also don't know how long it would take for such wax to stop leaving stains as it was fully hardened.