The Voynich Ninja

Full Version: Something new in f1r?
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Locate the ykal in line 1. Move upwards from k, past the wormhole. Immediately at the upper edge of the folio there's a three letter inscription. The letters are of the size of Voynichese glyphs of the main text, only the lines are thinner. Playing with colour transform suggests they're in the same ink.

The second letter looks like "a", the third - like "h" or "b". The first one is more difficult, maybe "c", but actually it resembles a Voynichese d, or 8 in val8en in f116v.
There's a lot of defaced/expunged text in that area. If you move right and slightly at a downslant from that area, there's a line of text and below that, but straight, another couple of phrases. And then, of course, the 6 and the other marks on the top left corner.
It's very hard to read.

I insert the image, with a filter.