The Voynich Ninja

Full Version: So this is what a scallop looks like
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I came across of an image of a scallop under water and it's really gross. Also, Voynich like:

Haha, cool!

It has a Little Shop of Horrors feel to it.

There are many shapes in the VMS reminiscent of marine life. If the person who created it grew up along the coast, perhaps those shapes were part of his or her subliminal vision of the world.
Damn, that photo is going to give me nightmares! I'm more used to them in this format:
[Image: steamed_scallops_with_ginger_spring_onio...D69946E034]
Lol, thanks Koen Gh! 
That thing is both fascinating and repulsive at the same time... I'll think twice before ever eating them again! 
My personal nominee for ugliest sea creature is this one:
[Image: Promachoteuthis+sulcus.jpg]
Promachoteuthis sulcus...
Straight out of a Lovecraft story!
Well, feed me, Seymour!

Could it be that scallops have anything to do with scallop shells? And scallop shell patterns have anything to do with a better understanding of what is going on in the VMs?
By the way to make matters worse, those blue dots are all eyes.
I'm completely fascinated by this scallop because I've had dozens of ideas for what that VMS shape might be and shellfish never once entered my mind, but the scallop you posted is so delightfully evocative in color and form it's hard not to take it seriously, especially the way the "feelers" are a lighter color and curved as in the VMS drawing.

To see them in real life, however, one would have to either submerge it in a bucket of water or see the actual scallop in its natural environment because those sorts of details shrivel up when the animal is dried. Which means any person drawing a scallop in this way would likely have lived near the coast.

I found out last night scallops can have up to 60 eyes and they are related to the octopus and squid (both of which are very intelligent).

I can't help musing over the similarity of the roots in You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to a jellyfish.

If the "map" is a coded metaphysical representation of the cosmos, then a scallop-mouth might represent water, something that is not entirely out in left field because some of the VMS word-tokens around the outer circle of that roundel also may be related to water.
Before you go metaphysical, you should take a look at Aristotles zoological writings, which are mostly about marine life. I  suspect that most of the ms. drawings are drawn from real life.