The Voynich Ninja

Full Version: I need a venture capitalist!
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Freemasons or Illuminati or anyone all funding is welcome:  Angel

Torsten maybe right that the text is copied, but its not meaningless.

I wish to hire a programmer or programmers to use my cipher and decode the entire Voynich Manuscript to Middle English as I feel I'm correct that I have found the secret to the VMS.

I'm not a programmer so I need funding.  Does anyone here know of anyone who would wish to create a website with me in the attempt to uncover the meaning of the Voynich Manuscript?  I believe that at a certain point of the decoding process if I'm correct that at said 25% of the Voynich makes sense in Middle English this should be a proof to decode its entirety while on the project.  At the moment I have about .45% translated words which are mostly stars and 3 VMS paragraphs entirely in Middle English which make sense.

I have an easy spreadsheet which converts my ciphered words to word numbers, but the most complex programming routine would be that the code converts Middle English sentences found to grammatical sense.  I also have an extensive list of Middle English words and a Middle English Dictionary.

For instance this is part of f58r, lets say a string of numbers like this which I interpreted just using logic:  If I can do this with my brain it would be far easier for a computer to interpret the whole VMS, but labels maybe a challenge I'm not sure.  If you want to see the entire first paragraph of You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. interpreted, search this site for (Lament from the Sea, New Method!) Its on 21.

here is my email:

otalchal dal choldy okalys airaldy 
60           34      69      77        75
eiaonao rao neorq etaoqs alkaorq
lutee, so Londes Conseil dispence
little, so London’s Counsel expenditures

shar ytar sheear cheoldy ykeol 
20    38      26       72         60
hak qiak hccak nceorq qtceo
sa hye kan, therof.  With 
debt increased knowingly, nothing to them.  With 

cheal cheody chal chaiin ol oly sharam
33      57     30   52    20 37    43
ncao ncerq nao nallm eo eoq hakav
the delices, make hyne deef gye, but
the pleasures, make servants deaf governor, but

 okair chckaiin ytchaly dal chal ykal 
49        86          73      34    30   53  
etalk nntallm qinaoq rao nao qtao
talke benynge, lutt bifel.  Oo canot
conversation good, little happened.  One cannot

okalal oly chal dy r chal qopaiim cholaly 
57         37   30 35 18  30    81          67
etaoao eoq nao rq r nao wefallv neoaoq
boote gye! make ches em oo graunt Lionel
remedy governor!  Make choice brother, one law Lionel
dy shedy typchey ar air ytashy 
rq hcrq iqfncq ak alk qiahq
Ches Leon.
Choose Leon.
Stellar, why not try crowdfunding?
After all, if You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. could get funded, I don't see why your project couldn't.
(05-02-2017, 06:38 PM)VViews Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.Stellar, why not try crowdfunding?
After all, if You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. could get funded, I don't see why your project couldn't.

Thanks VViews I just started the process.  You are great Smile
Anyone with big bucks to spare donate here please to decode the Voynich Manuscript:

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Self promotion and fund raising is not permitted on this forum, but the link to the gofundme website may stay. Thread locked, please do not reopen.